6. Mr. Pirate

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Chapter 6

Mr. Pirate


"Let me see this." Mommy took out my plain white shirt and had on her thinking face. She had wrote something on it with a black marker. I can't read yet so I'm not sure what it said. "There. All you have to put on now is your shoes and pants." She said after sliding the shirt over my head. I yawned because it was sooo early. I'm not usually up this early.

"Okay. What does my shirt say?" I ask. Mommy had only taught me my ABCs and 123s in English and Russian. I can speak Russian, I just can't read or write it.

"Don't worry about it, you look fine." She helped me into my pants and put my shoes on my feet. I felt more tired than I usually do when I wake up in the morning.

After she got dressed we ate breakfast and got into the car. Mommy strapped me in and then got into the car herself. She strapped herself in and drove down the road. Instead of the way we usually go to Gymnastics we went a different way.

"Where are we going?" I ask. "Don't I have gymnastics today?" She smiled at me and winked. About a minute afterwards I found myself falling asleep to the cars engine as if it were a lullaby.


I woke up to the sound of the car door opening. I looked outside the window and found that we were outside a big building. Mommy opened the door and unstrapped me. I was too tired to think and everything didn't process the way it should have. She helped me out of the car and closed the door, locking it afterwards. She crouched down in front of me and I blinked a couple times to shake myself out of the daze.

"Are you okay?" I nod. "Good, now you are gonna hold my hand unless I tell you to let go alright? and you don't let anyone touch you, not even your hands, unless I say so, also don't talk to anyone okay?" I nod again. She stands up taking my hand as we walk inside the building. There were lots of people in suits and they all gave us weird looks. I couldn't understand why, but Mommy didn't look worried so neither should I.

A familiar man walked up to us. He had dirty blonde hair and gray-blue eyes. It was Mr. Gray! I would have said hi but I couldn't talk to anyone. He didn't see me because I stood behind mommy.

"Nat, where were you? You were suppose to be here an hour ago, Fury is already pissed with you for missing that other meeting l would think you'd try and be on his good side" Her hand gripped tighter on my own.

"You didn't say it was that important" she said calmly.

"I'm pretty sure if I say something is important at all you should take it something pretty important" she rolled her eyes.

"So when is this meeting gonna happen?" She asked.

"Now" before he walked away he glanced down at me then did a double take. "Is that Paige?" He asked pointing at me. I look up at Mommy.

"Yes" I gave him a smile since I was not able to talk to him.

"Why is she here and why does her shirt say 'Property of N. Romanoff'?"

"Don't worry about it" We went to a room and she had me wait outside the door. When she came out, she was wearing a suit like the other people, but hers was all black with a red symbol in the middle. I instinctively took her hand and we walked into a thingy.

"What's this?" I asked, looking around.

"An elevator" she answered. It went up and didn't stop, we were the only ones in here so it was pretty roomy.

My tummy felt lighter. I turned around and gasped at the sight. I could see almost all of Washington. We were so high up I gripped Mr. Goodbear and Mommy's leg.

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