3. Mommy?

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Chapter 3



I woke up to the sun kissing my skin just like it does when I sleep in my box, but it was different this time. I woke up in a comfortable bed with Blanket and Mr. Goodbear and Ms. Red. She smiled before getting out of bed and leaving the room. I hop out of bed and wrap Blanket around myself. With mr. Goodbear in hand, I walk into the hall where another door was just in front of me. I ignored my curiosity and walked down the stairs. Step by step by step, until I made it into the familiar living room. I smelled something good cooking and walked towards it. Ms. Red was cooking on the stove I wasn't sure what she was cooking but it had to be good. I was still in the white T-shirt she gave me and it was pretty long.

"Good morning Ms. Red" I greeted. She looked up from what she was cooking to give me a small smile.

"Good morning Paige, did you have a nice sleep?" I nodded.

"It was much better than my box." I said honestly. "Thank you for letting me stay here, it's very kind of you"

"It's no problem, anything for a sweet girl like you" She put what she was cooking on two plates and walked over to the table to sit them down. She grabbed two forks and a knife, cutting one of the breakfast foods into squares. I looked at the food curiously.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Pancakes...with syrup of course" She said. She gestured for me to sit in the chair.

"I've never had this before, is it good?"

"Depends on how you cook it. Why don't you try some" I sat at the table and she put the plate of cut up pancakes towards me. Im used to having biscuits or just bread for breakfast, but this kinda looks like bread so I guess I can try it. I took a bite and it was really good. I continued to eat it until there was no more on the plate.

"That was great!" I complimented.

"Good to hear that" She took one last bite of her food before putting in in the sink and letting it soak.

"Paige, I need to tell you something" My heart raced when I thought she was going to say that i needed to go back. "Last night after I put you to bed, I went down to the orphanage and adopted you" I gaped at her. "I know I should have asked you first, but as of now you are legally my daughter, a social worker will be by tomorrow to check out the place" I jumped out of my seat and ran to hug her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much!!" I cried. she hugged me back and I smiled happily while still crying. When I calmed down a little bit she pulled away from me.

"I need to get you some clothes and since I obviously can't leave you here alone, you get to come with me" excitement was shown all over my face.

"Where are we gonna go?" I ask wiping some of the happy tears from my face.

"Probably the mall" she said and winked at me. "C'mon, let's get you into your clothes." She guided me up to the steps and into her room. She held up the shirt and pants I had outgrown and glanced at me.

"What's the matter?" I ask. She shakes her head and puts my shirt over my head.


We stopped walking around the clothes section of the store and started talking. I got a lot of things. I got a car chair, more dresses than I could count, and I can't count. There were a few pairs of shoes and some shirts and pants.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" She asked me.

"I like to draw, and I like stories!" She gave me a grin and we began to walk into the toy of the store. I wasn't interested in many of the toys but I did enjoy the many color crayons they had. "Can I get these?" I ask. She nods and grabs some.

When we finish shopping we leave the place called the mall. We were walking to car until men with flashy things started flashing we began to walk faster.

"Mommy? Who are those people" she looked at me shocked but then she turned around and saw the men.

"Go sit in the car I need to put this stuff in the trunk" she said. As instructed i sit in the back seat of the car. A few minutes later she opens the door to put in the car-seat.

"Sit" she demanded. I quickly sat in the seat and she buckled me up before getting into the car herself as speeding off.

"Who were they?" I ask.

"Paparazzi, when you see them keep your head down" she said firmly.

"Okay, what's for dinner tonight?" I ask. She glances at me in the mirror.

"Anything you want" she says with a familiar grin. I think she'll be the best mommy I've never had.


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