5. Sick

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Chapter 5


~Two weeks later~


I woke up to Paige having a coughing fit. I turned the lamp on and took a good look at her. Her eyes were misty and her face was red. When she stopped she began to cry. I felt her forehead and she was very hot.

"What's wrong? You're burning up." I get out of bed and hurriedly went downstairs to get a glass of water. When I came back up she was still crying. "Here drink this" She drank some of the water but then began crying harder. I was beginning to panic, I didn't know what was wrong. "Honey talk to me, what hurts?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Everything hurts" She cried. I picked up my phone and dialed Bruce, if anyone would know what to do it would probably be him.

"Can you be a little more specific?" I asked. She calmed down a bit and began to speak.

"My tummy hurts, m-my chest is tight, I can't breathe right, it's really really hot, and my throat hurts" As soon as Bruce answered I didn't waste anytime explaining. While I was talking to him I threw on sweatpants, put on a sweater and began putting my shoes on.

"Bruce, just out of curiosity what would you do if a child had a tummy ache, tight chest, sore throat, is burning up and can't breathe right?" I ask not giving him a chance to greet me. It was 3 am, but I didn't give two craps.

"The hospital-" I hung up and grabbed Paige out of bed. Don't have to tell me twice. I rushed down the stairs grabbing my keys on the way outside. I sat her in the back seat quickly strapping her in before doing the same for myself. I passed up 2 stop signs and almost ran over a cat, but I finally made it to the hospital. It was half empty in the waiting room so they were able to take Paige right away. When the doctor came out he said that I could see her.

"She'll be okay, but we want to keep her for the rest of the night to make sure the medication is working correctly" I nod and step into the room. Paige was lying on the hospital bed with an oxygen mask over her face. She looked less red, but more pale. I began to relax the slightest bit when I saw her chest going up and down at its normal pace and the soft beeps from the machine telling us what her heart rate was. I sat in the chair and waited until she woke up. When she did the beeps from the machine started beeping faster. She quickly sat upright in the bed with a scared look on her face. I jumped up and laid her back down slowly.

"It's okay I'm right here" I said in a reassuring voice. Im sure she didn't like the hospital any more than I did, but she needed to stay. I stayed with her the rest of the night, but fell asleep.


I woke up to a goofy voice and a song to go along with it.

"It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, come inside it's fun inside..." I looked up to see Paige's eyes glued to the TV screen. Obviously it was entertaining because she hadn't even blinked yet.

"Good morning" I said getting her attention.

"Good morning, Mommy" she said acknowledging me. "The doctor said you had to go home, but you gave him an owie on his nose. It even made a sound!" She said like it was the most interesting thing in the world. From what I'm hearing I broke his nose in my sleep.

"And then what happened?" I asked stretching a bit.

"Well, they didn't try to wake you anymore" She explained. "I told them you didn't like to be woken up like that."

"Oh" Was all I said.

"I ate a little bit of food. I didn't like it though, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth" she complained. her nose scrunched up in disgust. "Oh! And you got a call. Right when I pressed the green button a man started to shout. He said some bad words, but I promise not to say them" She promised. My guess is that was Fury. "I told him you were asleep so he'd have to call back later" Well he's gonna be a pain in my ass later.

"Great" I muttered.

"Oh and Mr. Gray called, he's on his way" Mr. Gray?...Gray... Clint!

"Why?" I asked her.

"I think he thinks you're in the hospital" She explained.

"Well, I am perfectly fine and for some reason you seem so too." I looked down at what I was wearing. I looked ridiculous, If the press and paparazzi caught me in this I'd never hear the end of it.

A nurse came into the room looking relieved. "Ma'am, um, Paige is free to go you just need to sign some papers for her release" She explained timidly.

"I'll be right back" I told Paige. I got up and followed her. I signed the papers at the front desk and was about to go back up to Paige's room when I heard my name.

"Nat? I thought you were hurt!" He exclaimed.

"Paige was really sick so I brought her here. I was asleep when she picked up my phone"

"Well she seemed fine over the phone" he said.

"She's better now" I said. "We're actually getting ready to leave." I said. I put the pen down and gave the filled out papers to the nurse. Less than 30 minutes later we were out the door.

"Tasha, you really need to stop by SHIELD tomorrow. Thor needs to leave, but we haven't finished the meeting and we can't without you" he said.

"Fine. I'll be there." I said. "See you later" I was getting annoyed with the fact that I am needed at SHIELD. I mean what did they do before I came into the picture?

"So are we going somewhere tomorrow?" Paige asked.


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