13. Mister Raven

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Chapter 13

Mister Raven


You could say I was angry when the waiter cat-called me in front of Paige. You could say I was a bit upset when Paige asked me what it meant that I was 'hot'. You could also say that I was satisfied when I was done scaring the crap out of the waiter. The truth is, I was. But something was off. Once we finished our churro's and left, Paige kept rubbing her eyes. She also began getting tired. Not that most children didn't do that. I have memorized Paige's entire sleeping pattern and bedtime is at 9:45. It's barely 7. We were at the tower when she rubbed her eyes again for at least the fifth time.

"Mommy, it hurts!" She whined rubbing her eyes once again.

"Let mommy see." I murmured to her. She moved her hands from her face and opened her eyes. They were filled with tears but the colors of her eyes had changed. One was green and the other was her normal blue. I must have hid my shock very well since she apparently had no reaction.

We were on our floor sitting on the couch when a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning had Paige squealing in fear. She clung to me and I held her.

"It's probably just Thor, you're okay." I reassured her. It was then I remembered Stark saying something about her room. "Do you remember what Mr. No-manners said about your room." Paige nodded.

"He said 'The kids room is ready by the way'." She answered.

"So do you want to check it out? Maybe you could even sleep in there tonight." I said trying to get her mind off the pain. She shook her head and I caught her glance out the window. It began to pour and the lightning and thunder in the distance didn't make the rain seem anymore appealing. "That's alright then, let's just go and look at it. C'mon."

I took her hand and we walked to her bedroom. I don't even want to think about how much time Stark spent in here when we were gone. Just the thought makes me suspicious.

I opened the bedroom door to find a princess themed room. There was a purple carpet and similar colored curtains. The walls were a pale purple and a chandelier dangled from the ceiling. There was a makeup table with most likely fake make up but what really stole the show was the bed. The bed had stairs that led up to the top. There's probably a secret room behind it.

"How do you think he did?" I asked looking down at the little girl. She looked awe struck and a few seconds after I had asked my question a big smile grew on her face.

"I really like it." She didn't show much enthusiasm which made me frown.

"It still hurts?" I asked she nodded and rubbed her eye once again. I should probably get Bruce, he'll know what to do."How about I go and get... Brucie and you go ahead and explore your new room. Okay?" Im starting to have a hard time remembering all of the nicknames she'd given everyone. Paige nodded and ran straight for the steps of the bed. I left the room to go and find Bruce.


When mommy left I explored every inch if the room. It was really cool and even the secret play room behind on of the towers. My head started to hurt more so I decided to sit down and find something to do that wouldn't make my head keep hurting.

A raven appeared just outside the window. At first it looked lost but then it appeared inside of my room in front of me. It transformed into a man with Raven hair and really green eyes. His eyes weren't pretty like mommies, instead they were cold and dark. That didn't stop me from being polite.

"Hello Mister." I greeted. The man had a small smile on his face and surprise in his eyes.

"You're not afraid?" He said in a mildly surprised tone. I shook my head.

"Should I be?" I asked, just in case. The man wore weird clothes like he wasn't from around here. I wonder if he's from England. He seems to have an accent.

"No, my dear. I've only come to give you a gift." He said.

"Oh," I suddenly felt bad. "but I didn't get you anything" I said with a frown.

"It's quite alright." He pulled a necklace out of nowhere. Like magic. It was a small glass tube that held a small blue cube."if you wear this and never take it off, then I will be happy to leave without a gift in return."

"Okay" I agreed. The necklace flew around my neck and when I looked up from it the man was gone. "Thank you" I whispered to no one. The door opened and mommy poked her head in.

"Paige? Come here Bruce is gonna find out what's wrong." I walked out the door and went with mommy to see Brucie.



Bruce took a small flashlight and used it to check Paige's eyes. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Are you sure one of them are green? They both look like the same crystal blue." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and crouched down to look at her eyes myself. He was right, both eyes were the same crystal blue.

"I was sure they were green..." I said still staring into her eyes.

"Dr. Banner, Agent Romanoff Director Fury is calling an Avengers meeting." JARVIS alerted us. I took a quick glance at Bruce before looking back down at Paige.

"Do you think you can stay in your room a little longer?" She shook her head.

"I don't want to мама!" She whined. She seemed almost scared to.

"Okay okay, I was just asking." I assured her. I picked her up and Bruce followed us up to the common floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened the others looked back at us. Stark, Thor, Rogers, and Clint. Fury looked at us from the TV screen. I looked at the expressions on their faces. Most of them grim, others angry.

"Loki has escaped"

"What?" I snapped. I felt Paige's head lay in the crook of my neck.

"Too hard мама." She whispered so only I could hear. Becoming aware of my strength I loosened my grip on her. A picture of him came up on the screen and I had to resist the urge to glare.

"I am afraid I was alerted quite too late about his escape while on Asgard. I assumed he found another way to come to earth."

"Do you think he'll start another war? Something worse?" Rogers asked.

"It is possible. My brother is...seemingly distraught, angry." Yeah? Just the thought of him makes me angry. Paige lifted her head from the crook of my neck and looked at the picture. I was about the take her out of the room. She didn't need to hear or see any of this.

"Mister Raven. Green eyes, Raven hair. Talks like an English person and wears traditional clothing." Too many words coming from a five year old. Too many words that made too much sense. I put her down in front of me before crouching down to her level. I looked her straight in the eye.

"Have you seen him before?" I asked her carefully.

"He was outside my window in the form of a raven. Then he was a six foot-ish man standing in the middle of my room. Maybe taller." The silence in the room was almost deafening. "His eyes aren't pretty like yours мама."


Sorry for the long wait! Writers block sucks. Anyway I hope this made up for it!!

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