8. In The Moment

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Chapter 8

In The Moment


"Paige can you hear me?" I said talking into an earpiece.

"Yes sir!" She said.

"Okay, I need you to stay calm alright, I'm bringing you back" I began getting control of the suit and rerouted it back to the Tower.

"How much do you wanna bet I can pull this off" I asked Bruce.

"STARK!" Natasha's voice rang.

"Fifty bucks" he said with a small grin on his face.

"Dammit, JARVIS how did she even get into my workplace?"

"She appears to have pressed the button too many times for the access to be denied" I really need to childproof this place.

"I'm flying!!" Paige exclaimed.

"Yeah well it's time for you to come back now"

"TONY!" Natasha's voice rang. She appeared to be standing right next to me and held a gun up to his head. "You have exactly one minute to bring my daughter back" she said, deadly calm.

"You know what, screw it, Paige get ready for the ride of your life" I used the holographic joystick to guide her up the building and to the floor we were on. She went through another window.

"PAIGE?!" The suit came off and Paige was laughing. Natasha looked relieved and that gave me just enough time to slip out of the room unnoticed. Pepper stopped me with a questioning look.

"Don't. Ruin. The moment" I told her.


I had a lot of fun flying around in the sky. Everyone looked like little ants and some of the buildings looked like blocks. It was really cool but I really needed to scratch my head and I couldn't!

"Paige, why were you in Tony's workshop!" She scolded. I hate being scolded. The last time it happened I got too close to the stove and she shouted at me. I pouted my lips and tried my best to stand up against her piercing green eyes with my own crystal blue ones.

"It was fun" I said sheepishly.

"Are you okay at least, no bruises right?" I nodded and purposely put my hands behind my back to pull down my sleeves. If I had even a scratch I think Mr. No-Manners would get another beating. I don't know what they feel like but I know they hurt.

"Can we go look for a bakery?" I asked changing the subject.

"A bakery, why?" She asked.

"I dunno, I just wanna go to a bakery" I shrugged. She thought about it for a second and had that agreeable look
in her eyes.

"Alright, why not"


~1 week later~

This is the third time we've been to the bakery. Don't get me wrong, the biscuits are to die for, and I love seeing Paige's face light up every time we enter, but this is a pretty bad part of the city. This may be the last time we come here.

"Mommy, what should we get today?" Paige asked excitedly.

"How about-" The door was opened and 3 men with guns walked in. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the young woman at the counter, Rebecca, press the panic button. The police should be here in about 5 minutes.

"Everybody on the ground!" The first man shouted. Everyone scrambled into the ground and before I did anything I played along. They pointed the gun at Rebecca and told her to put the money in the duffle bag. Paige gasped loudly when she saw what they were doing. I hushed her and pulled her behind me. I pulled my gun out of my waistband and pointed it towards the ground in front of me. I gave Paige a look saying to stay put and she nodded. I stood up and shot the man farthest from me in the shoulder. I shot the man holding the gun towards Rebecca twice in the shoulder. Neither of them were dead but they were badly injured. I turned towards the last man and he did the most stupidest thing. He held a gun to Paige's head. You see I wasn't mad. I was actually pretty calm for a master assassin but now, he's turned on the Black Widow. And no one likes the Black Widow when she's angry. I put down my gun.

"Put your hands on your head" Easy mistake. I slowly put my hands on my head and discreetly pulled a small knife out of my bun. Clint thinks it's a bit morbid but it always comes in handy. Before his next command I threw the knife at his chest. He slumped down and I grabbed Paige and my gun. The police were outside and so was the media. Paige hid her face in my shoulder like she's expected to around camera's. I pulled out my SHIELD badge and showed it to the policeman.

"There were three men all dangerously armed. Two are possibly unconscious from blood loss, one is possibly dead. He held a gun to a child's head with his finger on the trigger. Oh and a word of advice, next time get here faster" I said angrily. I walked to my car with Paige in my arms. I put her in the car seat and got into the drivers seat. This will unfortunately be on the news so I can expect a call from Fury soon.

"Mommy?" Her small voice said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I answered.

"Are we ever gonna come here again?"

"It's doubtful, but it's gonna be a while before that happens" I said. I was relieved when she didn't ask me about those men. "How would you like to learn something new"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, a new language, a new skill?"

"How about a nap?" She suggested.

"A nap sounds good too" I agreed.


"Who the hell robs a bakery?" Tony asks, his tone obviously disappointed. "An actual store would have made sense"

"I agree but seeing as it was in fact a bakery I don't see why it should be discussed any further" I said.

"Nat you and Paige are all over the news" Clint said turning the TV on. He flipped through almost all of the news channels and I saw my face and Paige's small body. After New York the press still wants to get an interview.

"Just my luck" I muttered. I went and checked on Paige to find her still asleep. She's adorable. She deserves better.

Im probably the worst mom ever.


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