Chapter 14

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"I can't do this, what if I mess it up?" Sky wove around Clawpaw soothing him with licks on the head, They were both standing on the balcony just outside the palace. "You can't mess up, all you have to do is stand and look adorable." Clawpaw giggled "I can't believe this is happening I'm so excited." He spun around making Sky laugh, She was so proud. Over the past moon Clawpaw's leg had healed well, the scar on his pad was nothing more than a faded line and thanks to the exercises and daily swimming his leg had become as strong as all the rest, although he still had a slight limp you would never notice if you wasn't actively looking for it. Sky gave him a nuzzle before heading towards the stairs, "wait here till you are summoned." Sky lightly ran down the steps stopping at one of the platforms. Those who saw her immediately began to crowd around murmuring to each other, Sky let out a howl summoning the rest of the pack. She sat waiting until the final wolf appeared and took their seat. Standing Sky bowed her head "Thank you all for joining, as you all may be aware we have had a new resident, and now it's time for you to officially meet him." Turning her head she saw Charlotte coming down followed by a nervous Clawpaw, Pausing a few steps above Charlotte gestured with her tail for Clawpaw to continue. Smiling gently, Sky brushed his back with her tail as he came to stand by her. "I would like to formally introduce you all to my adopted son Clawpaw." Cheers erupted all around, although Sky heard a few anxious comments "Even though Clawpaw is now my son I shall not crown him prince, for he has no royal blood. I shall await approval from each of you before I will even consider giving him a title. He will not be included in any royal decisions or votings." As Sky dismissed the pack she noticed most of the elder's nodding their approval, while the younger wolves were talking happily as they walked away. "how do I get their approval?" Meeting his gaze she smiled "easy, make yourself known to people. Talk to them, hunt for the elder's, play with the young pups, help with rebuilding. If you just be yourself I know they will fall in love with you, just as I did." Giving him a lick on the cheek Sky left Clawpaw to pass Charlotte as he climbed up the steps. "You made the right call, I know he will prove himself." She commented as she sat down gently nudging Sky's shoulder. Sky nodded in agreement "Me too"

"Clawpaw? Clawpaw where are you?!" Sky shouted as she padded around the palace. As usual she found Charlotte in the kitchen "Have you seen Clawpaw? He didn't show up for his lesson." Sky asked with an annoyed flick of her tail. "He said he was going to look after Akira's pups." Sky huffed, Akira was a sweet young grey she wolf who's mate had died from an illness shortly after the pups were born. "Don't be too hard on him." Charlotte purred, wrapping her tail over Sky's shoulder "you told him to show his loyalty and that's what he's doing." Sky sighed but smiled happily "I know I'm so proud of him.

At the end of the day Sky made her way outside to take up her position as guard on the top platform, watching her wolves go about their evenings. "Who knew you'd become a guard dog." Came a croaked laughter, Sky jumped and turned at the sound, dipping her head with an amused murmur. "It's good to see you Nymph, I did wonder where you got to." As Nymph settled down next to Sky she let out a faint growl. "Well someone has to do your job since you're not going to." Sky's ear twitched in surprise "Meaning?" "When was the last time you were in the forest?" "I go almost everyday to hunt with Clawpaw." "Your Son!" Nymph spat "is that all you care about now your fake son?!" Sky blinked at her former mentor, scared by how calm she was "I care about my town and everyone in it but they don't need me to micromanage everything, we all have our own lives. My life revolves around spending time with my son and keeping everyone safe." Nymph snorted the fur on her next rising. "Safe! Is that what you think you are? While you've been sitting here in your little make believe life I've been out there, Banan has been scented on your borders." Sky shook her head "My patrols haven't mentioned it to me in their reports. It's probably nothing." "Patrols." Nymph mocked baring her teeth "how do you know they're not spy's?" "You dare question their loyalty? I trust my wolves! It's you I'm on shaky grounds with." Sky sighed calming herself down as she felt her own fur bristle "very well show me these scents." Both she-wolves traveled in silence, Sky noticed the grim face on the older wolf and felt a stab of sympathy, how long had she been out here determined that her brother would come back? Shaking her head she looked up to see a grey squirrel leap through the treetops with an acorn in its mouth. "We're here." Nose to the ground Sky searched the area, so many scents hit her nose, layers of prey, foxes, other wolves until right at the the bottom the thinnest scent remained "ok so he was here, the scent is stale. This must have been moons ago. Possibly after he killed our mother." Nymph thrust her muzzle into Sky's face "how dumb are you, this is not that old! He was here!" Backing up with her tail lashing, Sky crouched down snarling "how dare you!" Nymph laughed "how dare me? How dare you deny the signs in front of your face? He will come and he will kill you all." Shaking her head Sky turned away "You've been a good friend to me Nymph, but perhaps it's time for you to retire, you could use the rest." She called over her shoulder before vanishing into the undergrowth, as she walked she could still hear Nymph "Emolia is doomed, he will lead us all into fire and blood!"

Nymph wasn't seen after her and Sky's disagreement wasn't surprising. Nymph had turned down a dark path and Sky thought that not even she could help her oldest friend. Charlotte had surmised that Nymph had gone delusional in her grief and that only time will tell whether there was any hope in saving the old wolf. Sighing Sky found herself on her usual platform looking down at some pups playing in the plaza. She watched as they formed a semicircle cornering their prey against the base of the lowest platform and although Sky couldn't hear them she could imagine their tiny growls as they playfully mocked their prey. The pups prey was none other than Clawpaw, his brown pelt bristling as he swiped a paw towards the tiny pups. The five pups gave subtle nods to each other before leaping as one, Clawpaw let out a howl as he dramatically fell to the ground flailing for help. Sky twitched her whiskers with amusement "You've raised him well." Sky jumped causing her guest to laugh "forgive me your majesty I didn't mean to startle." Sky looked over at the elder wolf, his light brown fur was specked with grey with a foggy haze in his brown eyes. Sky dipped her head respectfully, twitching her tail to invite him to sit with her. 'You know he's ready don't you?" Sky smiled "he's been ready from the day I met him, I just needed you all to see as well." "Then we give you our blessings. But tell me what seems to be bothering you?" Shuffling her paws Sky wondered how she'd even explain how she felt, did she even know? Guilt? Happiness? Looking up at the bright blue sky she sent a silent prayer to the Great Kingdom "How would you lead the pack if you knew there was a terrible danger but you had no idea if that danger would attack?" The old wolf sat frowning for a moment "you mean Banan?" He said his voice hardening "that is not an easy question to answer and I know many do not envy the choices you will have to make. No one knows whether he will come here or if he has finally found the peace he craved. All I can say to you is we will stand by you, whether you choose to run or fight we will be there to support you." Sky dipped her head again "thank you Mattai" the old wolf huffed as he stood. Closing her eyes, Sky cleared her mind of everything except one thought. As her eyes snapped open revealing , slitted eyes she growled "I know what happens!"

"Where are we going? I feel like my paws are going to drop off." Sky rolled her eyes as she led Clawpaw away from the town. The young wolf was darting around sniffing every tree and bush in sight, did I ever have that much energy? Sky thought with a shake. Don't be such a mouse, you're still young, Sky laughed to herself. Climbing the hill made her less sure as she was panting heavily as she reached the top. Clawpaw titled his head as he watched her "are you ok?" Sky flicked her tail with a deep breath "I'm not as young as I was." Clawpaw snorted "I think it's more the lack of exercise you do." "Cheek" Sky growled with a playful swipe. "I'm pretty sure walking to the platform counts as exercise." He joked as he paraded around the hill. "So are you going to tell me what we're doing here?" Sky stretched letting out a yawn "you've done your history you tell me where we are." Clawpaw glared as Sky began to make herself comfortable tucking her paws into her chest with narrowed eyes fixed on him. Giving his pelt a shake he turned his back to her, well then I'd better not disappoint he muttered to himself as he began to look around. He climbed over strange rocks with his nose to the ground trying to find any clue as to where he is but after a while of searching he sat down scratching his ear. "Well?" Sky asked, her eyes now fully closed with her head on her paws. Clawpaw shrugged "a hill?" Sky chuckled "no kidding." Clawpaw grunted " it's a hill with rocks." "Those aren't rocks." Clawpaw looked at her startled only Sto see one of her eyes open and glinting with amusement, gingerly he stepped closer to the rocks. He didn't see what was so special about them they were just rocks covered in moss. "Do you see it yet?" Flinching as Sky stalked up to him he shook his head, smiling Sky clawed away the miss to expose the off-white sheen of bone. Gasping Clawpaw took a step back "welcome to the hill of bones." She said with a half smile.  "Why would you bring me here?" Clawpaw said with a hint of a growl "Calm down!" Sky said, tapping his nose with a claw, "I'm not going to kill you dummy, this is the best spot to see the sunset." "Really?" Sky nodded. As they both settled down Clawpaw rested his head against Sky's shoulder "they say that the sun dips in the blood of those who died here as the lands way of mourning both the dragon wars and the endless war. That's why you sit here at the site where so many fell, as a sign that you haven't forgotten." As Sky finished talking the Sun exploded into a red light as it hit the ground, the look of awe in Clawpaw's eyes was even better than the sun Sky thought as the light faded into darkness. He's still so young. "That was incredible" he yowled, leaping to his feet. "I'm not done yet." Moving so that she stood in front of her son Sky cleared her throat "Clawpaw, the others have spoken how would you like to become a prince tomorrow?"

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