Chapter 5

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Two moons had passed since the visit to Emolia, Sky was laying in her nest looking around her den it was completely empty now that her mother and siblings had moved out into their own. Both Axzool and Flame hadn't spoke to her since Emolia and with Nymph staying there she was completely alone. Outside the leaf screen she heard a familiar howl, sighing she stood up looked at her fur which was matted and unwashed. Giving herself a quick lick she pushed her way outside. That will do, I suppose I have to look presentable at my own ceremony. Making her way down the ledges and towards her father who was standing proudly, she tried to make herself look excited although she felt hollow. When she was face to face with her father he bowed his head slightly as if to say that he was proud which Sky returned with a small smile. As she stood waiting Flame strode over to stand by her his fur gleaming in the sun and his chest puffed out with pride. He certainly didn't seem like the young pup she had played with only a few moons ago, she longed to share his excitement and confide in him but she simply flattened her ears and looked away. When everyone had seated Harac began. "When every wolf becomes five moons old they are ready to learn what it truly means to be one of the pack..." Sky stopped listening, her attention was drawn to a little blue bird that had perched itself just above his head. The little bird held a blue and red rose in its beak, it hopped around for a few moments as if impatient.  Flame brought her back as he half strode half leapt towards Fang, Good choice! They will do well together. She looked around expectantly only to find her father beckoning near the entrance, he lead the way as they squeezed through the hole and began down the well trodden path that lead away from the hollow oak.  He came to a stop on a hillside and sat down on the yellowing grass listening to the wind whip through the trees. Keeping an eye on his daughter he noticed her blankly staring into nothing while flexing her claws, after a few more moments he became agitated and nudged her. Startled she turned to face him the light and intelligence returning to her cloudy eyes.  " I bet your wondering why you have not been given a tutor?!" he said sternly "Not really" she mumbled her gaze fixed on a passing butterfly.  "I have no idea what's been going on with you lately! Your hardly out of the cave and when you are your either rude or avoid everyone! NOT to mention you hardly seem to care about your appearance and how you look within the pack!" He growled as his fur bristled with fury. Sky looked at the ground misery rolling off her in waves. "I've tried to make you and mum proud, guess i failed huh?" She muttered chuckling to herself. She looked at Harac from the corner of her eyes and noticed his face had softened, he sprang pinning her to the ground in a bout of laughter. Squealing she batted at his muzzle with soft paws she hadn't felt so happy or alive in moons, she and her father tussled for a few more minutes before breaking apart. Harac lay there laughing as Sky nuzzled under his chin "See how can i not be proud of my little warrior? You will make a truly fine queen."he added to himself as he watched her stalk a leaf, hearing this Sky sat bolt upright and spun round to face him "Me?!" she screeched "I am SO not queen worthy! besides Banan and Lillyana are the eldest wont they be the royals instead?" Scoffing Harac looked at Sky and then pointed with his nuzzle to the hollow oak "Do you really think they are king and queen worthy? Banan is strong yes but too ambitious for his own good he would have this world in flames if anything didn't go his way and Lillyana...." He stopped sighing and shaking his head "well her fluff-brain wouldn't know what to do. She cant even look at food without flinching." he whispered laughing slightly "Now you on the other hand your smart, level headed and know how to put a wolf in their place" Winking he drew his tail around her and turned her towards the forest were a shadow was slowly moving towards them "That is why young one i have asked someone very special to train you." he was cut off as Sky raced down the hill towards the familiar figure jumping with joy as she went. "Nymph! Nymph!" she called as Sky tripped in a rabbit hole and barreled into the elderly she wolf "Will you watch where your going!" Nymph growled but she was more happy than angry with one paw she pulled Sky into her chest and gave her a few licks on the head before she struggled away unable to contain her excitement. As Nymph and Sky started making their way back home the met with Harac who bowed slightly to the old wolf who smiled in return, Sky continued to bounce and jump all around them. When they had reached the hollow oak Nymph slid through the hole as Sky came up to go next a paw flashed in front of her, looking up she saw her father looking ashamed as he nuzzled her "I'm so so sorry i know how alone you must have been and me and your mother haven't helped. From now on you and I are going to spend a lot more time together. No matter if your an old wolf i still want to play with you!" he finished wagging his tail in a playful stance, Sky's whiskers quivered with excitement but she remained calm "I would like that very much however my mentor may have need me more" she giggled before slipping into the hole. 

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