Chapter 11

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Shadowholly walked a few pawsteps behind watching Nymph as lead an emotionally numb Sky. They had remained at Shadow's camp while Nymph regained her strength but the entire time Sky had not moved and barely ate, Shadow had pleaded to Nymph to allow Sky the chance to stay. He argued that she was barely a year old and should not be put in charge of an entire kingdom. Nymph however didn't care what he thought she told him flatly that she would not be alone and could always turn to her people for advice and that Shadowholly was not a wolf therefore had no say in how wolf politics work. They all paused by the river marking the boundary between Emolia and mount Isiph, Shadowholly bent his head to touch Sky's forehead "I guess this really is it your majesty. Please, just remember I'm always here for you even if it's just to chat. You know where I live." He gave her head a quick lick forcing himself to let out a purr. "Thank you Shadowholly for everything." He sat watching as Sky and Nymph nimbly ran across the rivers stepping stones and vanished into the trees she will make a mighty fine Queen he thought. 

The two she wolves padded through the woods, Nymph kept looking back opening her mouth to speak only to close it again. Sky was looking up watching the leaves flutter past thinking about the times she spent with Ylva, Harac and Lillyana. Thoughts and feelings raced through her making her a little dizzy and confused, these thoughts were interrupted as Nymph had turned to her "We will stop here. I'll hunt while you rest." Before Sky could speak the old wolf bounded off with a playful flick of her tail. Sky shrugged and curled up wrapping her tail over her nose. Dark dreams clawed at Sky's mind although she couldn't tell what she was seeing, all she knew was fear. She felt a striking pain pierce her side, waking up Sky thrashed as her breaths came quick and shallow "are you ok?" Asked Nymph her watery yellow eyes looking concerned as she tilted her head. "Fine just dream hunting." She said more like being hunted she grumbled quickly shaking her pelt before standing. She crouched down as she realised Nymph has dropped a shrew at her paws "thanks you!" She mumbled with her mouth full, it seemed like years since she had a full belly. "Did you know this is the same clearing that we stopped in the first time we went to Emolia?" Nymph commented slowly sinking to the ground with a grunt. Sky looked around how can you tell. She wondered as Nymph continued "You were such a wee thing especially when you got blinded even then I never doubted the regal air around you. You really will make a fantastic Queen." Turning her head away Sky felt ashamed she had never been taught how to rule, she wasn't sure she even liked the idea of so many depending on her to make the right decisions. A growl broke her thoughts as she watched Nymph stiffly rise to her feet "come on I want to get there before sun up." The pair trudged through the trees once more heading closer to Sky's enviable destiny. 

Sky hesitantly followed Nymph through the gates of Emolia, this is where her adulthood begins every fear every joyous moment lay behind these giant metal gates. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into town; the guards bowed as she passed. The plaza was swarming with pelts as they created a path for her and Nymph. Sky stopped and stared down at the royal crest her mother's mark. "Hey come on you can mourn later." Nymph whispered sympathetically nudging her shoulder gently. Padding up the curved stairs she heard whispers and murmurs "Do we really want her as our Queen?”
"The poor thing looks exhausted." 
Nymph curled her tail over Sky's shoulders "ignore them, they'll get over it soon enough." At the top of the stairs Charlotte bowed down before rushing over to cover Sky with licks "you brave darling, I'm so sorry about your mother I promise we will find him and make him pay." She finished with a growl. "I'll leave her in your care Charlotte while I tend to damage control."

Charlotte led Sky around the palace into the royal garden, it looked exactly the same except with one minor difference. Sky let out a faint whimper as she crept up to the new gravestone, Ylva's grave. We may not have seen eye to eye, but she was still my mother. She thought miserably. "She was a good mother to all of you even if you can't see it now." Charlotte murmured coming to stand nearby "I wish I was there so I could stop him from being so stupid." Sky looked up frowning causing Charlotte to shift uncomfortably "did she not tell you? Typical! Ok first of all I'm so sorry I would've given my own life to protect them both." Sky flicked an ear listening intently "Sky it was your brother who murdered Ylva." Sky's jaw fell open "that's impossible!" She growled storming off to the other side of the garden her claws digging into the ground. Charlotte let out a sorrowful sigh "I know you're grieving and on any other occasion I'd leave you be but you have to talk to your people, you have to be crowned Queen."
"Why?!" Sky turned her fur bristling with rage. "If you don't then it gives your brother a free pass to take over." Sighing Sky bowed her head "would that be so bad?" Charlotte rounded on her "Yes! Without you your brother will turn this town and it's people into a war-zone." Opening her mouth to make a remark Charlotte cut her off "don't you dare say you don't care because I can see it in your eyes otherwise you wouldn't be here right now." 

Getting up Sky headed out of the garden and down the steps hesitating as she stepped onto the platform her mother used to sit at. As she watched the town going about its day, she sensed a brief feeling of peace and happiness, as if this is where she belonged. She called out, summoning her people to gather. As they all took their seats gazing lovingly up at her, Sky felt fur brush against her as her mother's scent swirled around. She fell into the scent her mother's words spilling off her tongue "I've gathered us all here today to mourn the loss of Queen Ylva, although we all grieve alone and in our own way I feel that is wrong to isolate away from those that love you. Everyone gathered here may not hurt the same way or as much but know that they are and that no one has to go through this alone, there will always be someone, myself included to talk to." Sky bowed her head before raising it praying to the great kingdom "As the Ancients begin to light the night sky I pray that our beloved Queen is happy and safe among them." Ripples of prayer flooded the plaza muffling the pawsteps of Nymph "well put" she whispered into Sky's ear "we may just make a Queen of you yet." Sky flashed her eyes only to be taken aback by Nymph's humorous smile. As the muttering died down Nymph stepped forward "I agree we will mourn for Ylva till the rest of our days but we must still name our new Leader. I for one do not consider today a sad day, but a day to rejoice the beginning of a new era and with that I'm honoured to be the first to name this young she-wolf." Padding over she gently picked up a golden crown with glittering sapphires and emeralds, bowing her head to Charlotte who had been holding it on a velvet cushion a few steps up. Turning back she gently placed the crown on Sky's head almost trapping the top of her ear. Nymph stood back slightly with an apologetic blink causing Sky to smile and flick her tail "with this crown" she called turning back to the plaza "I hereby name thee Queen Sky of Emolia!" Pride surged through the new Queen as her people chanted her name. A shadow flickered at the corner of her eye as she looked she saw a dark figure with bright yellow eyes. It looked happy and prideful as it dipped its head, Sky blinked and the creature was gone.


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