Chapter 16

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"ATTACK!" Sky's eyes snapped open as the howls rang out, within seconds she shot out of her room and raced down the hall and out the palace doors. Leaping over the balcony she landed on the platform just below letting out a howl "tell me what…" Sky stopped short as Clawpaw finished her sentence, the young wolf was already at the bottom of the stairs trying to calm the situation. As the wolf parted to share their story Sky noticed the limp body that hung from them. Sky sat down, although she was anxious from her whiskers to tail tip she let Clawpaw take the lead, he would have to learn how to deal with this sort of thing eventually. Clawpaw slowly made his way up to Sky anger and anxiety clawing at his belly. "Well?" Clawpaw inwardly flinched; he'd never seen her look this serious before. He'd also never seen a dead body before. "They were attacked along the border that leads to Mount Isiph. They didn't recognize the wolves but they carried the scent of Banan. He…he has a message for you." Sky twitched her ear "what was the message?" Clawpaw took a deep breath "you are to go to the hill of bones at sundown. Alone. If you fail to show or bring backup then…." "They will kill the town." She finished with a sigh. Clawpaw nodded "what do we do?" Taking a step forward Sky raised her voice "a wolf has died, can the elders form a burial party. Litlie deserves to be put at rest." One of the elder's nodded, calling together a band to carry the dead she-wolf to her final sleep. While Clawpaw came to stand besides Sky "and Banan?" Sky gazed at him lovingly "I will go meet him. Alone." Clawpaw's mouth fell open but before he could form words Sky turned from him "Don't argue all I ask is that you guard the town. And… know that I love you." 

Images of Clawpaw, Charlotte, Nymph, Ylva, Harac, Flame and Lillyana ran through her head as she made the slow journey to the hill of bones. She'd accepted she wouldn't return. Maybe that was for the best, Clawpaw had grown into a fine wolf and although he had been prince for only a day he would do well as king. He had Charlotte to guide him. A tiny voice rose from within. What are you a mouse? Are you just going to roll over and beg him to kill you? "No!" She growled he claws digging into the ground "if I go down Banan's going with me!" She imagined slinking her claws into his throat, feeling the blood bubble as his life drained away. It scared her but it also felt right. Reaching the top of the till she dropped into a crouch, her tail lashing side to side "I'm here Banan show yourself!" As if on cue a bird landed on one of the bones dropping a note from its beak before taking to the skies again. Tilting her head Sky crept towards the note unfurling it with a claw. 

Dearest Sky, 

Sorry for the deception but I just couldn't pass up this opportunity. Don't worry I made sure to save you the best seat. 


A howl echoed causing Sky to turn towards Emolia "oh no" she whispered. Although they were far away Sky could just about make out Banan stood on one of the platforms speaking to the pack. Beside him stood Alexa his traitorous adviser and on his other side stood his most loyal follower Fang, and the creature that squirmed under Fang's claws made Sky's stomach twist "Clawpaw." Sky couldn't hear what they were saying but she could imagine. She watched as Banan snarled at her people with a triumphant grin, waving his tail Fang withdrew allowing Clawpaw to stand. The young wolf was crouched, teeth bared, Sky guessed he was asking where she was, I bet Banan said I was dead she thought. As sky shook herself back to the present she watched Clawpaw yowl as he leapt at Banan only to be shoved aside by Fang who once more had his claws to his neck. Banan lashed his tail nodding his head to Fang who smiled before sinking his teeth in Clawpaw's scruff lifting him up so that his back legs brushed against the ground. In the same second Banan sprang into the air scoring his claws across Clawpaw's neck. Sky was shaking as Clawpaw dropped to the ground, blood looking out dripping down the edge of the platform. He attempted to raise his head, lips drawn back into one last insult before his head fell back. Clawpaw was dead. 

Sky ran. Faster and faster as the scene replayed in her head. She let out a growl as her face collided with the ground, she'd tripped over a rock. Pain shot up her leg but it felt dull compared to the pain in her chest. It should've been her, slowly she stood wincing as she placed her paw on the ground and limped onwards. Her son, her only remaining family. Dead. just like the others. Maybe she really was cursed. With her tail dragging across the floor Sky crossed the river and climbed the slopes of Mount Isiph. My true home she thought. The climb to the top had exhaust her with tiny drops of blood dripping from her cracked pads. She didn't care, nothing mattered anymore Clawpaw was gone. Crawling into her cave she flopped to the floor burying her face in her paws ''Oh Clawpaw I'm so sorry." 

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