Chapter 23

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Sky jerked awake coughing up silver liquid, letting out a groan as she sat up only to find a large snout in her face. Leaping back with a squeak she realised the creature had done the same, looking up at it, her whole body stiffened. It was a dragon. A large black dragon right in front of her. Sky tilted her head as images of dreams and an egg appeared in her mind "Axzool?" The dragon let out what seemed to be an excitable yip as it's entire body wagged like an excitable pup. "Goodness how you've grown." And grown he had, his muzzle had lengthened with his top jaw ending in a point, on his head were two large spiraled horns that curved a bit like handles with two smaller horns In between, similar spikes ran down his neck stopping at his withers before continuing again down his tail finishing at the tip of his tail which was shaped like a hunters arrow head. It was hard to believe that after all this time her dragon hadn't forgotten her and now he was here in her time of need. There was only one problem, Sky had no idea how to communicate with him or if he'd let her fly to Emolia. "Ok pal I need to get to Emolia and I need your help." Sky stood a few slow steps towards him only to freeze as he reared up spreading out his large webbed wings with a bellowing roar. Before Sky could move Axzool was in the air grabbing her shoulders within his talons and carrying her high into the air. Fear gripped Sky's heart, she prayed to the Ancients, the Great Kingdom and even to Flame that this dragon wasn't taking her to his nest to eat. Luckily for her, her prayers seemed to have worked as Axzool soared over Emolia, it was strangely peaceful with no sign of Banan or any of his goons. As Axzool slowly lowered he hovered just outside the palace, throwing Sky she thankfully landed on the railing just outside with Charlotte and Nymph already there to meet her "Is that a dragon?" "Yes it is!" She replied matter of factly as she hopped off onto solid ground. Turning she gave a purposeful nod to Axzool who gave a soft roar and took off again to continue circling. "Right what have we got?" "Well we managed to kick Banan's behind out of the palace quickly followed by his henchmen but we're not sure we can hold them off if they decide to attack again. Oh and we've sent for reinforcements." Nymph said working her claws on the stone "I've set up a sick bay here so perhaps if the dragon could air lift the injured?" "No, we'll need Axzool as air support! My brother won't expect us to have a dragon and we need all the surprise we can give him." Nymph gave a thoughtful nod clearly agreeing with Sky's plan while Charlotte looked a little unhappy but before she could comment another voice sounded from behind "Why do major world shattering events happen during a storm!" Shadowholly growled as a fat drop of rain landed on his nose. Sky tail started to wag as Nymph added "like I said reinforcements." "At least the rain will hide our winged friend." Shadow said with a nod to the black dot of Axzool high amongst the grey clouds. "We're still far from being an army." Said Sky looking at the four of them and the few wolves who were preparing for the fight. "Then perhaps you could use us!" With a blinding flash dozens of star sparkling wolves appeared hungry for war. Flame came over with a beaming smile as he nuzzled Sky's muzzle "you should've known I wouldn't just sit by Blue." Sky was so happy as the smiling ghostly faces of her loved ones looked at her, her parents, Clawpaw and Flame while far below more shining ghosts mingled with the living "How?" "With enough willpower you can achieve anything!" Harac said and the others added their agreements. Sky noticed that Charlotte and Shadowholly were giving each other a knowing look but dismissed it as an echoing roar signaled the enemy approaching. As they all lined up looking out over the balcony railing she spotted the dark spots of her enemies. Although they outnumbered them, Sky let her voice ring out through the now torrential rain "FOR EMOLIA!" Her people let out their battle cries as their enemies raced through the city gates. 

Sky's inner circle raced down the stairs charging into battle which Charlotte retreated inside, Sky however toon a different approach. Leaping the balcony railing she ran down the central platform "Alexa!" The old she-wolf turned her head, eyes widening as Sky's jaw latched onto her throat. The first death. The first wolf to set this course in motion. It felt right, Sky thought as the old advisor lay dead at her paws. The battle raged all around with wolves clawing and biting, blood splattered the grey stones seeping into the cracks. Sky ducked around the edge, she had to find Banan. Kill him and this is over before it properly begins. Just before Sky could slip through the main gates Fang skidded to a halt in front of her, his lips drawn "I've waited a long time to kill you!" As he lunged something knocked him sideways tearing away at his throat, he landed heavily blood pulsing from his neck "Lillyana….I" his head fell back and his eyes glazed over. Sky looked at her sister with shock, this wasn't the fearful princess who'd cower away from eating prey, this was a born killer, a true wolf. "Find Banan! Only you can end this." She growled before leaping away to help drag another wolf off one of our allies. Things seemed to be going well she thought as she scanned the plaza the ghosts seemed to be teaming up with the living, Lillyana was fighting besides Nymph, Shadowholly who had claw marks running down his side were helping the injured up to Charlotte alongside Clawpaw. Harac and Ylva remained together targeting those who served under their rule who turned traitor, Sky wondered if they were trying to convert them. She didn't have long to think as the sound of wings were quickly followed by a long trail of fire as Axzool swooped down burning a few alive. Sky recognised one of those trapped in the fire as Akira. Sad. So many dead and for what. Just then Sky was knocked off her paws, lashing out, she tried to claw the attackers shoulder but only scraped fur as they bit down on her tail. She let out a howl and the attacker leapt back "Sky?!" "Match!" The large silver wolf bent over the downed Sky and gave her nose a lick " are you here I saw your body! As soon as I scented Methusalah I led the rest of the pack here to fight in your honor. My brother said he'd made a deal with Banan but he lied didn't he." He finished his ears and tail drooped. "Yes he did, I'm so sorry." "What will we do?" Sky stood up resting her head briefly on his shoulder, breathing in his comforting scent. "For now we fight, I have to find my brother. As for after, well if we survive I hope to have a kingdom to rebuild and a lot of questions to answer from you." She forced herself to smile and look up into his golden yellow eyes. "I'll hold you to that." He said with a chuckle before reluctantly turning away back into the fight. 

The rain was making it hard to see, Everyone's scent was fading as their fur clung to their bodies. Sky was in the thick of the fight, she was standing on her hind legs, teeth clamped into an enemy as she kicked behind her, then as she fell she spun clawing at the eyes of those who'd try and bite her legs. She moved so fast her body instinctively performed the moves she'd been taught throughout her life. Jump in, jab, jump out, Nymph's move. Use your tail to trip them, the move she used on her father. Leap into their backs clinging onto their scruff, Shadowholly. Go for the eyes, Banan and kick sand in their face, play fighting with Flame. As another wolf crumpled to the ground she saw the Dark brown and red fur of Banan. The coward was fleeing. Racing to the nearest tree she climbed recklessly, running and jumping along branches before testing them. Banan had crossed the river. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath she leapt the tree she was in was on Emolias side of the river. Landing, her hind paw slipped into the river but she thankfully didn't fall in as she sprang forward blocking Banan's exit. "Leaving so soon brother?" "What no!" He looked side to side as he shifted, good he's rattled. Sky took a few steps forward causing Banan to crouch down "I'm so glad I killed that worthless fleabag Methusalah and his mange ridden mate, they said they killed you." "They did, the Ancients brought me back." She snarled back, "That's...not possible." "And yet here I am!" Banan took another step back, his eyes wild with fear. Another step and another, until the ground vanished from below. Sky reached down to grab his scruff, drowning was a pathetic way to go even for Banan. But it seemed someone had a different idea as a flash flood swept him away, Sky tried to scramble backwards onto to be hit by an unrooted tree falling into the river herself. 

By the time Sky rose the rain had slowed to a drizzle and the far away sound of battle had faded, replaced with the sound of rapid breathing. Glancing up she saw Banan slowly dragging himself across the muddy earth. The flood had broken his spine leaving him paralyzed in his hind legs. Sky's own head throbbed where the tree had struck, so much so that when she stood she instantly was sick. Breathing deep she took a step forward, her legs buckling under the pain in her head. Slowly she made her way forward, her vision changing to red as blood dripped into her eyes. Still she walked until she stood by her brother's side "Go ahead and kill me! I will plot my revenge in the next life and as many life's as I need!" Sky's head hurt too much to think of a snappy reply instead she bent down close to his ear and whispered "No matter what happens I forgive you, in this life and the next." Closing her eyes she bit into his neck until he fell limp. Stroking his fur with her paw she couldn't feel any victory, only pity "I love you brother." With a sigh she continued on, grateful that they had washed up on Emolia's side of the river. Nearly home. Padding through the trees she tripped on a stick, landing heavily on her side she let out a pained gasp. Her breathing was suddenly rapid. The edges of her vision darkened as the pain in her head intensified. Sky didn't bother to get up. She knew she would never make it back to Emolia. As the seconds ticked by, Sky struggled to breathe. Until at last her eyes closed and as her last breath left her body she smiled murmuring "peace at last."

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