Chapter 9

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Shadowholly had insisted on sleeping in the cave alongside Sky, the strong emotion in his eyes had taken her aback why was he so dramatic it's not like I’m going anywhere she thought as she watched the panther's rhythmic breathing. He uncurled himself as if Sky's thoughts had woken him, "good your up!" She curled her tail around to make it seem as if she'd just woken up, yawning she mumbled "ready to eat when you are." She stood up stomach growling making Shadowholly purr with amusement "You'll have to hunt on the way." Sky's ears burned as she tilted her head "on the way?" Please don't send me away, please! What did I do wrong? "Every winter I head to Emolia for supplies since hunting is virtually impossible and since tensions are running high since the princess is stood before me I think it best if I stay out of the mix. For all, we know they could cart me off for kidnapping you."Sky twitched her ear unimpressed at his remarks "so what do you need?" "Ok, I need: four large chunks of meat, cow or boar will be fine. Then twelve whole chickens, some radishes and an onion." Her head spun as she tried to remember while Shadowholly merely flicked his tail happily as he continued to list items. Before she could even grasp what was happening, she was being nudged out the cave and down the mountain. "So long little pup." He muttered as Sky slowly made her way down the mountain looking back now and then with sorrow in her eyes. "You'll thank me one day." Sky slowly padded away from Shadowholly and her new cave home, her head bent and softly whimpering. Why do I always get sent away? I did nothing wrong. Feeling emotionally numb Sky stood outside of Emolia looking up at the giant iron gates. Gulping she slowly made her way forward until she was visible to the guards whose fur immediately bristled "you ... you… you’re dead!" Sky flicked her ear unsurprised that everyone thought she was dead "Then I guess you won't care if a ghost walks past you." Strolling past she twitched her tail amused at the two wolf's puzzled faces, only to quickly change to dread as she looked up at her mother's face as she stood on the platform. 

Ylva's eyes scanned the courtyard below as she addressed the daily news, she felt hollow inside as she repeatedly did the same things day in and day out. Suddenly she glanced over Sky locking eyes with her just my mind tormenting me! She thought as she shook her head, only the image of Sky remained. Could it be? Leaping down the two smaller platforms below she ignored the pain that shot through her leg as she landed awkwardly, Sky was the only thought ran through her mind as she approached her child. "Can you be her? Can you really be my daughter?" Sky flicked an ear looking ready to dart "soo umm hi?!" Widening her eyes Ylva leant forward to touch Sky's cheek before bursting into a sob licking her head "Oh my baby! My sweet sweet child is home!" Sky pulled away harshly with her tail lashing "I'm not your baby and I’m far away from my home! I just came here to get a few things." Sidestepping past Ylva she went up to the nearest stall "Hi can I have four large chunks of meat, two of cow and two of boar, Then twelve whole chickens, some radishes and an onion." The seller nodded and set to work "Big appetite?" "Stocking up for winter, only the great Kingdom knows how cold it will get, but I'm willing to bet my whiskers it will be freezing." Letting out a murmur of agreement the she-wolf collected up all the ingredients and popped them into a bag "Boar won't be coming in foranother week." Sky saw her mother's eyes light up with hope "that's ok I can stick around and wait. Can I leave the rest here till it does?" The seller nodded putting a little sticker on the bag "not a problem, see you soon." 

As Sky turned away from the stall, she rolled her eyes with annoyance as Ylva hopped around her like a pup. Letting out a faint growl she headed up the curved stairs that lead to the palace, panting she reached the top barking softly, quickly followed by a little mottled face poking around the door "Sky! goodness you've grown so much your practically adult size. And I must say black fur looks so much more fetching on you, with your scary new look I bet even the dragons would turn away in fear." Sky replied with a crooked smile as her tail swished across the ground "it's so great to see you again Charlotte I’d love to stay longer and catch up properly but I should head off to find a nest before it gets too dark." She rubbed her muzzle against Charlotte's chest before heading to the stairs. "Hey! You’re not staying?" Looking over her shoulder Sky narrowed her eyes and glared at Ylva with cold, hostile eyes "I'm not welcome anymore! They tossed me aside like decaying prey." Before Sky could take another step Charlotte wove around her guiding her to the front door "now now don't talk like that you're always welcome here, as much as your mother may not like it this is actually my house so you're now my guest."

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