Chapter 22

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The pain had eased. The air had become warm and the ocean sound had changed to bird song. Magic-crescent must've gotten her back to her temporary den and treated the blood. She hoped she hadn't worried everyone too much. Slowly she opened her eyes and immediately panicked. She was lying in the middle of a small clearing, the trees and grass looked strange. They had a blue tinge to them, Sky rubbed her eyes but it still remained. Looking up she noticed the sky was a deep purple with silver stars floating on the wind. Oh no no no she thought curling up burying her nose with her tail. This is all just a dream! 

"Hey blue." Oh that is too cruel she thought, opening one eye to peek over her tail, there was no mistaking the bright orange figure stood before her. Although he was partially see-through and orange stars shimmered around him like an outline there was no doubt that the smiling creature before her was Flame. "I'm a little disappointed I expected a better reaction." He said lowering his head "although I can't say I blame you I am breathtaking." Sky could barely find her voice and when she did it was high pitched and squeaky. "Where am I?" Flame tipped his head "Isn't it obvious? This is the Great Kingdom, you know where the dead go. Oh but of course you never believed in the Great Kingdom or the ancients did you? Strange considering." "Considering?" "Nevermind." While trying to get her head around everything a thought struck her causing her to scramble to her paws "Clawpaw!" Flame looked shocked and a little amused "his safe, he misses you but his safe." Sky looked all around "shouldn't he be here?" "Normally yes." He nodded before rolling his head in thought "I was chosen to speak to you specially, they thought you'd listen to me." "Who?" "The Ancients." Sky shook her hair thoroughly confused as Flame continued "You were chosen apparently." "Why?" Flame gave a stern look causing Sky to fall silent "with this I give to thee the mark of our gods…" he bent down and touched Sky's forehead which immediately started to burn before lifting his head into the sky "Now with their power you can vanquish any foe. You Sky are now their champion." Drawing a claw he traced a circle into the ground that fell away to reveal a silver liquid, Sky stared at him until he inclined his head towards the water. Creeping forward Sky looked at her reflection, horrified to see a perfect white star glowed in the middle of her forehead. "What does it mean that I'm their champion?" Flame shrugged "Whatever you want I guess. You have a choice to make: you can choose to stay with me and your son or you can return and face Banan alongside your allies." Sky looked behind her into the forest "If I stay will Banan continue to kill?" "I don't know, the council are unsure of his motives." "Council?" Flame laughed "How do you know nothing about the Great Kingdom? The council of Wolves are the inner circle, usually the oldest wolves who debate and come up with ways to solve problems and if necessary how to interfere to protect the living." "And they've said nothing about my brother?" Flame shook his head "there are two paths he could take, he can calm down and become a good king or he can continue to follow his killer instincts and destroy any who stood with you." Sky sighed "he's already taken so much from me…" gazing back into the pool images started to appear, She was watching Flame returning from saying goodbye to her as she was exiled, as he climbed through their secret tunnel into the hollow oak the roof collapsed, on the other side stood Banan smiling down at the ginger corpse. As the water shimmered a new image appeared, this time Banan was racing alongside his father, they were heading towards the human camp. Without warning Banan lunged sideways into Harac knocking him off his feet, he sank his teeth into his father's leg until it cracked, then he let out a howl and ran for cover. He lay hidden in a hole until the humans appeared slitting Haracs throat. Sky was shivering as the images changed faster and faster. The fire that killed Lillyana, murdering Ylva while she slept, Clawpaw, and so so many more. She looked up with tears in her eyes "I have to go back" she whispered Flame nodded although his ears drooped "Just once I hoped you'd choose the selfish option. Just know that if you leave now you will forfeit this afterlife for all eternity." "I have to go, '' she pleaded, "very well climb into the pool. I promise to look after Clawpaw and know I'll love you always." Sky ran up licking Flames muzzle "I love you too! Goodbye my love and thank you for everything." And with that Sky dived into the pool letting the darkness surround her. 

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