Chapter 19

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Fang felt important as he stepped through the iron gates of Emolia. It seemed like everyone had stopped working to surround them with greetings and congratulations. He felt fur of every kind brush up against him as he pushed his way through the crowd. As they parted like waves, Fang saw in the center of the plaza on top of the royal crest Banan was teaching the young wolves a few fighting moves. He was focused on this tiny little grey wolf who looked barely old enough to leave his mother's side, Banan had crouched down muttering to the little pup before springing into the air with a flick of his paw. Fang flinched as his long claws glinted in the fading light. The killing blow. Banan was showing them the killing blow! His blood ran cold, shaking his head and closing his eyes he muttered to himself "Don't be a furbrain! There's a war on the horizon, everyone needs to learn how to fight, we may have captured Sky but there's no telling what her army is up to. I'm sure Banan has told them to use it only in extreme cases." Puffing out his chest he grabbed Sky by the scruff and threw her on the ground at Banan's feet. "We have retrieved her, my lord." He smiled, bowing down. "Are you crazy? Don't bring that monster near the children." He said, shoving the pup behind him. Fang dipped his head "apologies. I simply didn't consider her a threat. If she lashed out we both are far quicker than this fleabag." He said giving Sky a kick. Banan grunted his agreement "all the same better not risk it. Bring the chains from below, both me and the she-wolves will feel better about the pups playing with her if she's chained down." "Wouldn't it just be better if we killed her? The pups would be able to play without fear and at the same time prevent a war." Banan's tail twitched with annoyance "Are you questioning your king?" He snarled, thrusting his muzzle close to Fang's "think about it! If we kill the rebels leader the rest will attack out of vengeance if we can….convince Sky to give up their location we can take the fight to them." Fang lowered his head; it was a solid plan, one Fang desperately wanted to be a part of.  He would do anything to be able to rip the cowardly traitors to shreds, relishing as their blood stained his paws and filled his mouth with the taste of glorious victory. Banan was smiling at him with a proud look in his eyes and Fang realised he had been growling and his claws were throbbing as they dug into the stone floor. "Fear not Fang you will have the first kill." Fang gave a half smile as Banan laid his tail on his shoulder. "Right the chains." Brushing past, Fang made his way to the royal crest on the stone and located the howling wolf's eye, giving it a hesitant sniff he placed his paw onto it trembling slightly as it shifted under him, pressing into the ground. A faint clicking could be heard before a panel in the lowest platform slide out of view to reveal a dark passageway. Gulping Fang slowly made his way down, his claws scraped the stone stairs as he went down into the depths. It was cold and dark, so dark that his eyes refused to adjust causing him to crash into the wall at the end of the passage. Turning his head he saw a faint dark red light illuminate his path. Taking a few steps forward he began to retch, the stench of blood assaulted his nose while something oozed around his paws. Looking down he saw he was standing in a dark liquid. Bending down he tried to sniff the liquid but his nose burnt too much, instead he took a deep breath and dabbed the tip of his tongue into the puddle. Blood. As expected, there was something… familiar about it. The thought hit him, causing him to stumble backwards No! Sky it was Sky's blood. Fang knew she was being held down here but not that she'd been tortured. He stood trembling from nose to tail as he pictured her below their feet howling in pain as Banan did who knows what to her. His heart was pounding, as he sprinted forward locating a box of chains on the floor. They were cold and somewhat slimey as he drapped them across his neck before picking up a few more in his mouth. The chains were heavy but Fang had had enough as he hurried back towards the entrance. Vowing never to return to that accursed place.  

"You don't have to look so tense, I assure you she can't escape." Fang gave Banan a side glance as he settled himself beside him. Fang was stiff but not for fear of the young pups who were 'training' on the huddled shape of Sky. The old queen hadn't moved since she was brought back. Strange he thought but he didn't dwell on it. "Is it necessary to torture her?" Fang braced for Banan's anger only to see sympathy in his eyes "yes. I don't take pleasure in it." He said, shaking his head towards the ground "My sister knows things. Things that could endanger us, we have to know what they are to protect our future generation." Fang was nodding. Banan seemed so tough but deep down he was just trying to do what was right in a terrible situation. In this moment Fang saw the young pup that bounced around his father's paws and who had begged Fang to teach him all that he knew. Banan's ear twitched almost as if he was flicking away the memory's before turning to Fang with the childish glee in his eyes, "So how long till we welcome mini Fangs?" He gestured towards Akira. Fang instantly felt hot, his pelt pricking with embarrassment. "There's time enough. We have a war to win first." Banan nodded, "well said old friend. But we shouldn't stop our day to day life because of it." "Anyone would think me having pups was the most important thing in the world." "You deserve it Fang. It's good to see you with a new she-wolf, although I am sad it isn't with Lillyana." Fang sighed "we don't even know if she felt the same." Banan's voice suddenly hardened "Oh she would've if I asked." A shiver went through Fang's spine. Surely he wouldn't have forced her? Before he could ask anymore Banan was heading away leaping up onto the platforms until he'd reached the third one up where he sat puffing out his chest. "It has been an incredible celebration today but now it's time for the littlest ones to head to bed." He said, giving a soft glance down at the pups who were piled up together with tiny tongues poking out as they yawned. "And although this breaks tradition these are strange times which tie my paws. I need to see my advisers in the palace, feel free to bring any food we can talk and eat." Whisking his tail he dismissed the pack, at once Fang leapt to his paws and trotted over to the steps only for Banan's tail to bar him "No." Fang tilted his head "I thought I was an advisor?" A flash of teeth near his ear was enough. "Do not assume!" A few wolves brushed past giving him mocking and sympathetic glances. Akira brushed against him nuzzling under his chin, chirping softly "I'll see you after." Fang grunted absently as he turned away to watch a group drag Sky away to her dungeon.   

Fang's tail lashed side to side as he angrily paced around the plaza. How dare he not be invited! He had been by Banan's side since the day he was born. Glancing up at the palace he noticed a guard had been posted on the top step. "That's it!" He growled as he headed to the left hand staircase, praying his dark fur wasn't easily spotted against the sparkling white. Pain pulsed through his paws, the sharp step corners were a strange reminder that no one ever used these steps although they were identical to the other side. If they were never used, why were they even built? Fang pushed the thought to the back of his mind, there were more important things to worry about. He was thankful that because they were unused no one bothered to cover it, allowing Fang to slip right up to the window to peek in. Although he kept one eye on the guard, just in case he decided to turn around. Straining his ears he caught snippets of conversation. "Is this plan really necessary?" "Don't tell me you're getting spineless Akira! Has love changed you as it has Fang?!" Fang felt his blood boil, missing what Akira said next in his attempt to remain calm "Enough both of you!" "My king, I would like to talk to Sky myself…. I understand your fears but I'm hardly going to release her, I hated her long before you did that vial unnatural creature." Very well Alexa." Alexa! She hadn't been seen for many moons, many assumed that Sky had disposed of her, or that she had fled. What was she doing back? As the meeting started to break up Fang slipped back down the stairs hiding among the shadows. His head was full of thoughts that he missed a step and went tumbling to the bottom with a gasp. Shaking with a wince he ran through the plaza and into the woods, he needed to get away and he needed to think. 

"Hello Sky, it's been awhile." Slowly Sky lifted her head only to drop from exhaustion a trickle of blood coming from her mouth. " want?" She breathed Banan smiled stepping aside to reveal a She-wolf "Alexa has some words for you." Sky let out a growl that quickly changed to a cough "I'd rather you just killed me!" Alexa stepped forward making her voice sickeningly sweet as she whispered" I'm not here to kill you little one I just need a few answers." Sky snapped causing Alexa to hop back her fur fluffed out "Fine be that way!" She snapped before biting down on one of Sky's hind legs. 

Banan watched for hours as Alexa kindly asked a question only to lash out with tooth and claw when Sky resisted. He was both impressed and irritated with Sky's unbreakable will, eventually when the floor had a fresh coat of blood did he call for Alexa to stop. She too was tired but the glint in her eye portrayed her excitement and her determination. "My king, just a few more questions! I can break her!" Banan doubted that, Sky's head hung limply, her body Criss crossed with cuts and bite marks. Anyone would think she was dead with the amount of blood that stained her fur, except Banan could see the faint rise and fall of her chest. "We can try again tomorrow."

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