Chapter 10

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Cold wind whipped around Sky leaving tiny snowflakes in her fur "looks like winter's officially here."
"You don't say." Mumbled Sky flicking meltwater from her ear. Sighing Shadowholly padded over abandoning his efforts to make a fire, crouching down he tucked his legs into his chest "Come on grumpy face, you've been in a state since you came home. So it didn't go how you were expecting big deal! At least right here and now you have a place to call home and hey I won't say I love you but I'm pretty glad you're around." Before Sky could open her mouth he nuzzled her and headed back inside. It had been little over a moon since Sky left Emolia but the images of Ylva's angry snarl still haunted her every step. She couldn't understand why her mother didn't love her the way she had Lillyana or Banan. Maybe she was born cursed or perhaps the great kingdoms devine plan. Whatever the case Sky didn't think the ancients were finished with her suffering just yet.

Lazily scanning the mountainside Sky noticed a grey blob stumbling around. "Rabbit!" Shadowholly muttered narrowing his eyes. "Oh really wanna bet? Your poor old eyes are lying to you because that is way to big for a rabbit." She said flicking her tail towards the grey mass "so what is it?"
"I dunno a boar or a baby elk." "You can't have both if you want this bet." Grinning Sky tilted her head up to look at Shadowholly "ok then baby elk." Snorting the black cat leapt off the edge and raced down the hill with Sky in pursuit. They both skidded to a halt a few pawsteps away flicking snow onto the crouching animal, Sky didn't even have to get close to smell the fear scent coming off the it in waves. "Well it's not an elk."
"Oh yeah because it's definitely closer to a rabbit." Sky edged closer to the lump of fur ignoring the warning hiss of Shadow. "Hi my name is Sky are you injured?" The grey mass slowly lifted it's head, Sky could see the white around it's eyes what could scare something so badly she thought tilting her head slightly. "Sky? You said your name was Sky right?" Sky had to strain her ears just to hear but she nodded "yes that's right what's your name?"
"Find Sky tell her Nymph sent you and that Emolia needs her." Rigid with shock Sky felt as if she was plunged head first into an icey river. How could this be Nymph? Her mentor was always so strong, she didn't let anything scare her so what happened? Sky longed to confide in her teacher but the old wolf was unconscious, casting a glance at Shadow she silently begged him to say something, willed him to take charge and say what they will do next. His reply was a look. A look to say that this was her problem he would help but she has to call the shots. Fine! She growled lashing her tail "We need to move her!" Nodding Shadow crouched down to let Sky drag Nymph's body into his shoulders. Bounding ahead she led Shadow into the trees there was no way they could carry Nymph up the mountain. It was an agonizingly slow trip Sky ran ahead moving logs and finding safe routes around brambles before racing back to check on Shadow and readjust Nymph. "Are we almost there? It feels like we've been walking for days."
"Just past these few trees I promise." Sky smiled at him over her shoulder she had to hand it to him the black cat was only a little bigger than her but carrying Nymph or living in the snow doesn't ever seem to affect him, compared to him Sky felt small and weak barely able to look after herself. Shaking the thoughts away she padded onwards, soon enough see saw the ring of holly's. "This should be interesting how are we going to get her through the hole?" She said sniffing at Nymph "I can do it." The old wolf breathed squirming her way off Shadow's back. Doubt swarmed Sky's mind as her old mentor clawed around aimlessly, she noticed the same doubt cloud Shadow's eyes as he nudged Nymph to her paws. Sky squeezed through the hole first letting out a faint bark so say she was ready, Nymph flopped into the hole less gracefully with her front paws flailing as she whimpered. Reaching down Sky grabbed her scruff and hauled her up, Shadowholly slipped easily through and took Nymph half dragging half carrying her into his den. By the time he popped his head back out Sky had made herself comfortable on the rock, he jumped up and laid beside her allowing her to rest her chin on his back "she's going to be ok. Given some rest and some food and she will be as good as new."
"Thank you." Shadow shifted so he could turn to look at her "she's going to die isn't she?"
"No, I just said she wouldn't." He said frowning "I mean someday. Someday she will die."
"Well yeah, everyone will someday even me." He finished with a yawn. "What's with the sadness kick anyway." Sky gave a partial shrug "I just feel like I should be sad." Shadow rolled his eyes "dogs!" He mumbled.

Pain throbbed though Sky's side waking up she noticed Nymph's claw outstretched beside her. "Don't get me wrong I'm glad you're awake but if you don't let me go back to sleep im going to have to bite you." Nymph snorted "I'd like to see you try." She jabbed harder causing Sky to squeal. "ok ok I'm up jeez." She growled rubbing her side, she stretched out loving the feeling as her claws hooked over the side of the rock. "So what did you want to see me about? Only a fool would wander around the snow alone if they had no purpose." The grey she-wolf huffed "When did you get so rude?" Sky growled "Probably when I was cruelly cast out by my mother....twice." Nymph flinched "Actually I need to talk to you about your mother."
"What's she done now demanding me back, sending a search party to find me?" She snorted. "She's dead Sky."
"What how?!"
"We don't know she was found dead near the border it could've been anyone or anything. You realise this means you're the Queen now right."

Shadowholly stalked along the treetops scanning the ground for any kind of movement, he had promised Sky that he would find enough food for the three of them so she could be there when her mentor woke up. He found it hard to deny her, her eyes were so tired and sad that it made his heart ache. Shadow launched himself landing perfectly in the next tree over as he continued his hunt. A few more trees along Shadow stopped suddenly as a rustling filled his ears, looking down he saw a mouse shifting through some leaves crouching Shadowholly slithered down the tree perching on the lowest branch. The mouse continued digging at the ground in its own hunt for food unware of the danger, Shadow's stomach growled as he drew closer to the edge before he sprang seemingly flying through the air landing squarely on the mouse finishing it off with a bite. Stepping back the black cat sighed the mouse was scrawny barely enough to feed one let alone a half starved wolf and a growing pup. Growing at himself shadow picked up the mouse and headed back home he and Sky could wait till he went to his hidden food store but the old wolf was sick and needed something fresh. Slipping back into camp Shadow dropped the mouse as his jaw fell open, Sky was trembling her bright yellow eyes were clouded with fear "What's wrong what happened?" She locked on to his gaze and whispered "my mum's dead." Shadow raced to her side wrapping his tail around her back whispering soothingly into her ears "it's okay, it's alright."

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