Chapter 24

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So many had died. The dead had all been collected and taken to Emolia, the survivors had all banded together to hunt for the last two. Sky and Banan. It wasn't long till they found them. Ignoring Banan the survivors huddled beside their dead queen. "Oh Sky." Nymph muttered. Nymph, Shadowholly, Flame, Lillyana, Match, Breeze and Axzool sat around each locked in their own grief. Match was shaking, as Breeze stroked his leg with her tail Flame began wailing crouching over the body of his beloved. "We must move her. We must take her to Emolia for a proper burial." Flame looked up ready to argue with his teeth bared. "Shadowholly is correct. It is time for us to return to the Great Kingdom." Harac said, appearing in a flash of white light as he looked down kindly at Flame "Why! She won't be there!" "She will always be in your heart Flame." "It's not the same." He sniffed, touching his muzzle to hers. "Lillyana brushed against him leading him away from the body and with a nod to her father headed into the undergrowth where they faded away followed by Harac and Ylva. "We must leave this place." Shadowholly growled followed by silent nods from the others. 

High above sat on a branch was Sky, her black outline sparkled with stars as she watched Breeze and Nymph lift her body onto Axzool's back. She watched them leave until Match's trailing tail was lost from sight. Sky turned her attention to the bird song around her, as she looked up at the grey sky the clouds parted to let a single ray of light down. This made her smile as she heard Shadowholly's voice in her head. "Oh now the sun comes out!" With a deep sigh Sky closed her eyes and as the breeze picked up it scattered her form like dust in the wind. Her stars sparkled in the air like diamond dust for a few seconds before disappearing forever.   

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