Chapter 4

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Ylva padded up to Sky and whispered "welcome to your future kingdom." Sky tilted her head as Ylva walked off what do you mean my future kingdom? she wondered. The two wolves that was guarding the town opened the gate then sat with their heads up and chest puffed out with pride as Ylva lead everyone inside. Sky's jaw fell open as she gazed around the town, she walked forward flinching as her claws scrapped against the floor, she bent down to sniff the hard rocky floor that covered the ground. There were rows and rows if shelters made from the same kind of rock, wolves were running up to them chattering happily. Sky noticed that Alisha and Fang were shivering with their neck fur raised while Nymph sat patiently watching a group of elders. Standing on her hind legs Sky could make out where the steps that led to the Palace, between the two sets of staircases was a large platform like the one her father stood on to address the pack. Further up was more platforms that got smaller and smaller until they reached the top which had metal bars rising from the ground. Sky was to in awe that she missed what her mother said and watched everyone head off in different directions. Sky flinched as she felt a tail brush her shoulder as Ylva guided her towards the center of the plaza where there was a giant shape of a wolf head howling at the moon. Inside the moon was three stars in a triangle. "This is our family crest" Ylva began leading Sky with her tail towards the stairs. Finally excitedly Sky raced up the stairs hopping around at the top waiting for her mother. Sky reared up onto her hind legs and placed her front paws on the metal bars. "Wow" she exclaimed. The doors behind her burst open and a tortoiseshell she wolf ran towards her and nuzzled her. Sky noticed the she wolfs tail wagging in a circular motion and wondered how the she kept her balance. After what seemed like a lifetime the she wolf stepped back and gasped " your not Ylva ! I..I'm so sorry that must have been awkward for you." Not knowing what to say Sky stared at her paws and scraped the floor with her claws. "Well I see you've met Charlotte" Ylva said walking up the last steps Sky looked up at her mother and thought that she looked more majestic and proud than ever. Sky could believe that her mother was a queen the way she acted around Charlotte as a greeting Ylva touched her nose to Charlotte's head as she bowed. Charlotte straightened up and looked at Sky confused "so this is?" Ylva turned and looked at Sky her eyes swimming with pride " My daughter Sky future queen of Emolia" Sky's jaw dropped and she felt her paws turn to stone as Charlotte bowed again for her, catching annoyance in her mother's eyes she realised that Charlotte was bowing lower for her than for Ylva. Turning to go inside Sky noticed that the palace floors were covered in a type of red moss. Bending over to sniff it all she could smell was Charlotte's scent and dust. "Do you like the carpets?" Charlotte asked nervously making Sky jump. "Err yeah their lovely." Jumping in glee Charlotte trotted towards a line of tall ledges "do you want a drink young Sky? It must have been a long journey." Sky sat down heavily noticing how painful her paws had become " no thank you I just feel like I can sleep for a moon." Ylva stalked down the hall calling over her shoulder "take her to her bedroom and let her rest." Charlotte tilted her head but trotted lightly past Sky beckoning her with a flick of her tail. "Come" she walked softly away humming to herself. Sky thought she'd been walking for hours as the hallway seems to bend and twist forever, something on the wall caught her eye making her stop. "I knew you would like that" Charlotte said flicking Sky around the ear with her tail "this is the S.S. Lupus. It's your mother and fathers ship" Looking at Charlotte, Sky could tell she was lost in thought "why would they need a ship?, they're wolves." Laughing Charlotte agreed "who knows, your father inherited it. It's lost at sea anyway." Nudging Sky they got up and continued down the corridor.

"Here we are room sweet room." She said pushing the door open. Inside had a four pillared bed with a desk and office chair. The rug and curtains were both velvet red with a golden border. "Hmm it looks just like the rest of this place" Sky commented unenthusiastically. Charlotte looked at her hurt "this is the best room in the house I made it up especially for you." Bewildered Sky looked up and smiled "I never said I didn't appreciate it, I just don't understand it." Cheering up Charlotte walked out "I'll leave you to get settled in I'll call when dinners ready. " Alone Sky looked around the room and sighed I kind of wish I never left the forest. Everything here is just weird. Leaving her room she decided to go explore the town. As soon as she stepped out the door she looked to the left and right, err which way did we come? She tried sniffing both ways to see if she could pick up their scents and follow it back but they had already faded. Growling to herself Sky chose to go left and ended up at a dead end she stopped and stared at the door well at least I now know where to make dirt. Heading in the other direction for what seemed to be an eternity Sky found the painting of her parents ship, leaping with joy she raced around the corners sighing with relief when she found a room she recognised. She noticed Charlotte standing on her hind legs at the high ledges. "Can't rest? I know that feeling to much to see to much to scent." she muttered half to herself. "Soo" she continued "I should probably explain this is the kitchen where the food is kept." flicking her tail towards the middle of the room she added "over there is the sitting room it has a nice fireplace to keep warm and comfy rocks to lay on." Sky who had stopped paying attention sat down heavily with a sigh pawing slightly at the carpet. "whats on your mind little one?" Charlotte asked softly as she sat next to Sky wrapping her tail around her shoulders "Im just confused. Why does my parents have two packs? Why doesn't this place work like the forest? Why was Flame so mad that I cane here? How will I ever be a sharp tooth?" Laughing slightly Charlotte nudged Sky "got a lot of questions there don't ya'?, first off your parents have both packs as they are the king and queen of all wolves some just prefer the town life to the forest so they compromised. Second like I said some wolves don't like the forest ways so we've learnt to compromise with each other. Third I have no idea who this Flame is but some wolves believe that once someone leaves the forest and come here they never want to leave and finally who cares about being a sharpclaw or tooth or whatever their calling themselves now a days. It's just a stupid title to make wolves seem important, you forest folk do exactly what we do. You have wolves that hunt some who heal and those who care for the young just like here the only difference is that in this town everyone has their own private lives they don't need permission to leave or who to be around, but at the end of the day it's the leader or the king/Queens job to make sure everyone is safe and fed everyone else just obeys so that the group is efficient and theirs food to go around." Sky looked up at Charlotte drinking in all that she said closing her eyes she could picture all her stress and worry leaving. Opening her eyes she leapt up nuzzled Charlotte and raced towards the door."Thank you you've helped so much."

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