Chapter 15

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Sitting at Emolia's front gates Sky waiting for the day's final patrols to get back while behind her everyone busied themselves with setting up for the coronation. Already flower petals had been strewn around the plaza and a deep red carpet had been laid out on both staircases with coloured leaves and moss interlaced with sticks were neatly hung across the balcony and platforms creating beautiful wreaths. A rustling came from the forest as Sky stood to meet the patrol "The borders are clear ma'am, the only scent we came across was Nymph's. It seemed to be heading away from our borders." Sky dipped her head "thank you." The wolf dipped his head in return "the hunting party was just behind, we shall have a fine feast for tonight's celebration." Sky smiled at his vain attempt to make conversation but her mind was too full Banan's scent had been stopped during the morning patrol, she refused to let him destroy Clawpaw's big day. 

As the hunting party passed, Sky nodded to them. Before flicking her tail towards the guards. As she turned into the plaza the iron gates began to close letting out a shrill shriek. Slipping through the crowd Sky climbed the steps to greet Charlotte who sat Infront a velvet cushion which held a dedicate golden crown it's sapphires and emeralds gleaming in the sun. "Are you ready?" Charlotte asked gently, picking up the crown, placing it on Sky's head. "Of course it's Clawpaw who should be nervous, not me." Charlotte nudged Sky's shoulder "you don't have to lie to me, I can tell you're just as nervous as he is." Sky hung her head "I just don't want his special day to be a disaster like mine was." "I know and it won't, everyone here loves Clawpaw and Banan and his followers are nowhere near the town." "That we know of." Before Charlotte could speak Clawpaw appeared in the doorway, his freshly groomed fur shone in the light with his tail curled over his back in delight "aww look at my handsome pup " Sky purred weaving around him. "Mum stop, I'm not a pup anymore." He said, ducking his head with embarrassment "you'll always be my pup." Sky grinned as she led the group down the stairs. Just before she reached the lower platforms Sky let out a long howl summoning the pack, although most were already in the plaza talking with excitement a few stragglers appeared from nearby homes or finished hanging decorations that now covered the main gates. "Today is an important day as we welcome a new member to our fold. Although he was not born with noble blood I have heard your pleas and I respect your wishes." Jerking her head she invited Clawpaw to join her and with a jolt she realised that he was almost her size, he really is growing up she thought sadly. Shaking away the thought she stood and faced her son "Clawpaw, do you swear to guard this land and its people from war, famine, and destruction as the prince of Emolia?" Clawpaw swallowed as he glanced around "I do!" "Do you swear to protect and guide all that live here from the eldest wolf to the littlest pup?"  "I do!" "Will you seek guidance from those who are willing to share it rather than run blind and headfirst into danger." "I will!" "Then my son I name you Clawpaw, Prince of Emolia." Cheers exploded from all directions as Sky placed a crown on his head. It was a beautiful silvery gold interlaced with red and green jewels that wrapped around Clawpaw's head as if it was made specially for him. Only that it wasn't. The crown was made many moons ago for when Banan would be crowned king. "How do you feel, Prince Clawpaw?" Sky whispered softly in his ear "a little like I'm going to be sick." Patting him on the back Sky let out a laugh "that's normal." Before she left him to mingle amongst his new subjects. 

"Was that so bad?" Charlotte asked as Sky reached her "of course not." She snorted "as I said it's him that was worried not me." "Uh huh." Sky gave her a side glance only to see her eyes sparkling with laughter. With a content sigh Sky flicked Charlotte's shoulder with her tail tip as they watched Clawpaw laugh and play with the rest of the pack finally feeling like he belonged. 

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