Chapter 1

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Painful wails echoed around the dim cave with only a strip of orange light coming from a leaf screen hanging across the entrance. In the shadows a golden brown she wolf laid on her side with her heavily swollen stomach heaving. As she let out another wail two wolves burst though the screen. "Ylva its ok Alexa is here" said a large black wolf with his white ears pointing behind him, and then he laid down next to his mate and soothingly licked her ears and whispered "I'm not going to leave you." A black and tan she wolf whose face was grey with age limped over and placed the herbs she was carrying by Ylva's head. "Eat" she rasped as she placed a paw on her stomach. "Six" she muttered to herself as she watched Ylva lick up the herbs and wince in pain. A spasm passed through Ylva's body causing the black wolf to flinch, as a wet bundle slid onto the cave floor Alexa passed the pup to him and added "Harac you've done this before now lick." Grumbling to himself he bend down began licking the pup to keep it warm. When satisfied that Harac was obeying Alexa turned back and began to lick the next pup to arrive. As Ylva's body spasmed for the sixth time Alexa had said "well done Ylva they're all here" but this wasn't heard as she was barely conscious. After licking the pups Harac's ears drooped and he got up and walked towards Alexa. He sat with his back towards Ylva "we've licked the pups thoroughly but shouldn't they have moved or squeaked" he said casting a quick glance at his mate and pups. Alexa's eyes clouded with worry as she sprang forward as checked all the pups' airways and began to lick their noses. Harac shifted uneasily as Alexa sat up for the first time in what felt like moons, she placed her tail tip on Ylva's shoulder and whispered "I'm so so sorry I really am but I'm afraid none of them survived." As Alexa turned to go towards the dead pups Ylva tried to sit up with her ears back and she snarled "You should have tried harder, this is all your fault." She reached out and gently grabbed one of the pups, her eyes were full of hatred and sorrow as she glared at Alexa and Harac then turned towards the cave wall and started licking the pup. Sighing Alexa and Harac picked up the five dead pups and padded out the cave with tails trailing on the floor. Just before leaving Harac looked at his mate facing the wall and lowered his head, he could feel her grief flooding out of her as she tried desperately to get her pup to wake. When his footsteps had gone Ylva glanced at the entrance, the screen had parted enough to let her see the sky. No stars, even the world above mourns my loss. She looked down at the little cream pup, limp in her paws, feeling her heart shatter she let out grief stricken cries.

A shadow fell across the cave entrance as Harac appeared. He stared pitifully at his mate who was crouched at the back of the cave with her fur matted, next to her was untouched prey and a leaf with a poppy. Ylva hummed softly as she soothingly licked her dead pups fur. "It's been half a moon just give up Ylva, be grateful that you still have two other beautiful pups that need you" Harac said with a hint of irritation and sadness in his voice. Ylva whipped around snarling at Harac "do you not think I'm grateful for my other pups but they are almost grown you have no idea what it's like to be a mother and to lose all of your pups at once!... A mother's only wish is to watch their young grow up happy and safe and it kills to see them otherwise." Ylva bowed her head and continued "I wish you were not leader your always away when I need you the most." Harac's face turned from frustrated to shame as he knew what she was saying was true, every instinct told him to go and comfort her but his muscles had frozen to the spot. A strong gust of wind blew from behind Harac causing him to shiver. He and Ylva continued to fight while tiny golden lights were blown in and they joined together to create an outline of a blonde wolf pup. The little wolf sat and watched her parents fight in horror. This isn't right she thought they shouldn't be fighting because of me. She padded up to her mother and whispered "I'm sorry I made you fight I hope in the future I can make you both proud" she walked over to her body still lying in Ylva's paws and stepped inside. I shall try my hardest to be the pup you want me to be.

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