Chapter 20

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"Get up! Get up now Sky!" Letting out a moan, Sky opened her eyes but saw only blurred shapes as the darkness pulled her back in. Her ears twitched as she heard shuffling and muffled voices. "Lift….. careful…" Sky felt the ground fall away and felt the sun on her pelt but the darkness continued to call to her. Trying to fight the black she opened her eyes again blurred outlines of white, green and brown made her head spin to the point she wanted to be sick as the darkness took over once more. "How are we going to do it?" "We can manage, they can't be far away." "Poor scrap, we will look after her." "We don't have much choice, or much time!" Sky must go to the cliff pack!' 

A scream rang inside Sky's head causing her to leap to her paws, only for her back legs to crumble beneath her. Twisting her head frantically she found herself half sitting half lying on a patch of yellowing grass, large holly bushes surrounded her in a giant circle, looking up she noticed a few fluffy white clouds gliding lazily across a deep blue sky. "How did I get here?" She murmured, shaking her head as memory's of the blood soaked dungeon forced their way in. She continued looking around trying to find any clue as to how she got there but the longer she looked the weaker her legs became until they buckled causing Sky to hit her chin off the ground. She lay panting as the pain spiked and throbbed about her body. "Oh she's awake." "About time!" Sky looked up to find the two people she had never expected to see again "Shadowholly... Nymph what…." As her eyes closed her head fell softly into her paws. 

"That's it, come on just a few more steps." Shadow and Nymph had been working hard to tend to Sky's injuries, and although the cuts and bites were beginning to heal her back legs were still weak and barely able to support her. Much to everyone's annoyance. "You need to go to the cliff pack, but you're still not in traveling condition. How long do you think we can continue to hide you here?!" He had snarled his tail lashing as he stormed off. Nymph however was a little more sympathetic, she was the one to come up with Sky's exercises to help strengthen her legs. But Sky could tell in the small tail flicks she did that she was just as anxious as Shadow. If they were caught they'd be dead and there would be no one left to defend Emolia. "This is too hard." She puffed, flopping down on her side. "It's supposed to be hard! That means it's working." 

Banan was pacing just outside the palace, it had been three days after Sky's escape. Someone had betrayed him. After searching the dungeon they had found a blood trail that suggested that Sky had been carried but no scent could be found. Looking over the railing he stopped the group of wolves he had called mingling around the plaza. Reports had come in of strange wolf scents along with the scent of blood. It must be Sky's he had thought. As his gaze crossed the wolves he located Fang siding near the middle looking up at the sky, was he the betrayer? Or was it someone else? He let out a growl, he had to know! 

"Do you think we'll find Sky? I'd love to pay her back for what she did." Fang looked at the young wolf, it was the same one who had been attacked by her during their hunt. "There's only one way to find out." He said with a nod "Death to Sky" he growled in agreement. In a blink of an eye the young wolf was lying dead on the ground as Akira's jaw clamped down on his neck. She dropped the body as if it was nothing more than prey before sitting down to clean her paw. "By the Ancients why did you do that? He was on our side." Fang said, his eyes wide with shock. Akira shrugged "Was he though? Or was he just a spy? You can't trust anyone, remember that Fang." She finished with a sniff as she kicked the wolf's body. With a growl Fang lunged at her grasping her scruff he mounted her. Thoughts ran through Fang's mind as he mated with her, images of Lillyana and Sky lying dead at his paws with Akira standing tall above them licking the blood from her lips. Dismounting her he sat down facing away from the dead body and from Akira who was quivering, she hopped over to him licking and nuzzling him, before rolling over showing him her stomach. When Fang ignored her, she got up nuzzling him again, repeating the process. This is why I love her he thought shes my murderous playful wolf.  

"You know what to do! Go and bring me back their bodies." With the order given a sea of fur raged through the gates of Emolia, everyone moving as one as they ran through the small stretch of forest that led to the river. Many of the bigger wolves didn't stop as they leapt over the roaring river while the others followed by scrambling over fallen tree trunks further downstream. "Stop right there!" Nymph growled as she stepped forward to intercept the horde. "Give us Sky!" One wolf cried followed by many other similar screeches. Fang saw Nymph lower her head, her lips parted to show her teeth "never!" A howl sounded from behind, turning Fang saw a large black cat clinging to the back of one of his wolves. "Attack!" He howled and turned to Nymph again whose eyes sparkled with fear as she leapt into battle.  

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