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- Navi's Room -

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- Navi's Room -

(Author's POV)

- The girl woke up by the sun rays hitting  her face through the light sheer curtains. She smiled at the photo of her family hanging in front of her. -

Navi: (I am so happy that my parents are here for me. After mom left dad, I never thought that I would have a mother's love again. But my step-mother never treated me as trash. She always treated me like I am her child and I am so happy that she makes both my dad and I happy. I hate my mother for leaving dad for another man just because of money.)

- She was in her thoughts when a yell form her mother brought her back to reality. -

Ye-jun: Princess, wake up. We have guests coming soon.

Navi: 예 (yes), eomma. - She got up and went to the bathroom to do her morning routine. -

-time skip-

(Navi's POV)

~After getting ready, I went downstairs to see my parents at the dining table waiting for me

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~After getting ready, I went downstairs to see my parents at the dining table waiting for me. I walked over and gave both of them a hug while wishing them.~

Navi: Good morning appa and eomma. 

[Author's Note: Navi's step mother is Korean so she calls her eomma (mom) and they have lived in Korea since Navi was 10 so she grew up embracing both Korean and Indian culture.]

Yash: Good morning princess, how was your sleep? *smiles*

Navi: I slept great cause eomma sang to me cause I was having trouble falling asleep. *smiles back*

Yash: Wow... lucky... she never sings to me. *fake cries*

Ye-jun: Yahhh.... stop your drama... *looks at Navi* Princess I am glad you slept well

Yash: No one cares about me *pouts*

Navi: *giggles at her appa's childish behavior* Awww appa we care about you...but you look so cute while pouting

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