7. Engagement

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- previously -

~We didn't go to her because she was taking out all her pain and we wanted that. We promise to be there for her and love her more than we love ourselves. We will never leave her side whether we are alive or dead. We promise to take care of her and give her all of our love and affection. We will make her happy that she will forget those painful memories and have a bright smile on her face everyday.~

- present -

(Author's POV)(Next Morning)

-BTS and Navi were sitting in the living room talking.-

Navi: Are you guys sure you have your outfit picked out? *suspicious*

Hoseok: Our outfits for today are all set. You don't need to worry. *smirks*

Navi: Why do I get the feeling you guys are not up to any good? *raising eyebrow*

Kook: Are you doubting us? *dramatic*

Navi: I am doubting you. *runs away*

Jimin: Yahhh *runs after her* Get back here

Kook: *running after them with Tae* Navi stop...

Navi: *stops and turns around* Did you just call me by my name??? *😠*

Kook: *sweating* B-b-baby I-i-i....

Navi: You what??? *😡*

Joon: Honey, don't be mad, he just said it by accident. *nervous*

Navi: *scoffs and walks away*

Kook: B-but... *sighs*

Tae: Now what??

Jin: We have to find a way to make it up to her...*thinking*

Yoongi: But how? *🤔*

Jimin: How about we go after her first....

-All of them stand up and go to their room only to find it locked. They start knocking.-

Tae: *knock knock* Baby, open the door.

Yoongi: Love, open the door please. *knock knock*

Navi: I am changing. Your clothes are in the room next door.

Jin: Baby, why though?


Joon: No we didn't. We will get ready now, baby. *turns to the guys* Listen first let's get ready then we will make it up to her.

Yoongi: Hold on...if kookie is the one who called her by her name then why is she mad at us?? *🤨*

Hoseok: Because joonie said that it was by accident...

Navi: Yah get ready!!!!

-Everyone runs into the second room and starts getting ready like there is no tomorrow.-

(OUTFITS: 3:22 in the video)

time skip -


~Navi was still not talking with us. Even the whole ride here she was listening to music. We just need to find a way for her to forgive us. We came to the hall where the engagement was taking place. As we walked in someone called our baby and she happily ran over to him and HUGGED him. Our blood boiled because he was close to her and she didn't even say anything.~

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