14. Their Ex

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

• They knew that their life wouldn't always be smooth like butter but they would be able to pass the love maze that life had for them. Their hearts didn't need permission to dance because it was dancing to each other's heartbeats. •

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ 4 days later ▪︎


~ It's been 4 days since Navi started bringing lunch for us. She has also started working with us after lunch and will continue to do that as she only has class in the morning which ends before lunch time. ~

Tae: So hyung's and Kookie I was thinking that we should at least have a meeting with Mr. Lee before deciding to take the deal. You are forgetting what happened when we went to see Navi and they came there.

Kook: Honestly, hyung I don't trust the Lee's and we shouldn't agree to this deal. I don't want his son to be in this office while our baby is here.

Jin: Listen guys we understand that you are not comfortable having Lee's son around Navi but they d...

Mr. Kim: No, we will not be doing any kind of deal with Lee's. They are not the right person to partner with and I don't want to risk my daughter's (Navi) safety for this deal.

Hoseok: Appa is right. Plus they need this deal more than we do.

Jin: I also agree but if we don't do this deal then we will lose our project as someone has been stealing our company details about this project.

▪︎ knock knock ▪︎

Jimin: Come in...

• Navi walks through the door with their lunch and a file in her hands. •

Mr. Kim: You guys eat your lunch we will discuss this later. *about to leave*

Navi: Actually, appa. I wanted to talk with all of you about the project and the deal with Lee.

Yoongi: What is it, baby?

Navi: Okk so according to my research they don't have any main information about your project. The only thing they know is when you are launching and the name of the project.. Which both we could change as it will be between just us and our most trusted employees.

Joon: That's a great idea, but how will we know who is leaking the information?

Navi: That's easy. Only a handful of our employees are working on this project so we tell some false information and if it gets out that means one of them is responsible. Then we will ask them to come forward on their own or we will find it out our way.

Tae: That's a great plan baby. *flying kiss*

Minjun: Yahh I am still here *teasing*

BTS: Yes appa but you do this with eomma when we are around... *teasing back*

Navi: *chuckles* Let's eat lunch *pouts* I am hungry...

Minjun: You guys eat. Your eomma is waiting for me at home.

Navi: Appa, here is lunch for you and eomma. I already told her that I will send lunch with you. *hands him a bag*

• Minjun thanks Navi while taking the bag and leaves. Then BTS and Navi eat and work afterwards. •

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