17. Arguments

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Navi: *chuckles* Okk baby, then go to sleep...I will wake you up when we have to leave...

Kook: Okk baby... *goes to sleep*

▪︎ present ▪︎

(Navi's POV)

~ I was sitting in the office at home doing some work. It's the weekend and I have a few things to do on my project so I decided to work in the office so I won't disturb them while they are doing work. When I got a call from my friend, Divya... ~

▪︎ OTP ▪︎

Divya: Hey bish...you are coming for navratri right...

Navi: Of course yaar...how can I miss navratri...

Divya: Don't forget to bring your husbands. None of us except Rose & Aryan meet them.

Navi: Of course. They will come with me...

Divya: Great...ok I got to go. I will see you later...

▪︎ end of call ▪︎

Navi: I should go tell them about navratri because I don't think they know. Plus they would need to come early. *gets up* Let's go...

▪︎ in the living room ▪︎

Navi: *walks in* Jagiya...*sits next to Jin

Jin: *focused on his work* hmmm...

Navi: *frowns* Umm...will you all be free next Tuesday???

Jimin: Why?? *cold*

Navi: ~Why are they so cold all of a sudden? Everything was fine yesterday. I shrugged off and continued.~ Well navratri season is coming up and my friends invited us. I am free but I want you to come with me as well. *smiles*

Hobi: We can't...we are working on Tuesday...

Navi: But...my friends want to meet you...


Navi: *flinches* FINE...DON'T COME WITH ME...*leaves*

~ I got to my room and shut the door. How dare he yell at me? They haven't raised their voice nor do they have the right to, but just because I was asking them to come with me somewhere they got mad. They don't want to come then fine. I will go by myself. I don't need them anyways. ~

(Hoseok's POV)

~ Did he just yell?? Oh no... ~

Hobi: Yah what the fu*k is wrong with you???

Joon: What now?? *angry*

Yoongi: You just yelled at her. She just wanted us to meet her friends and learn about her culture...there was no need to yell...

Tae: But hyung, Hobi hyung already told her we can't go. But she was forcing *🙄*

Jimin: *smacks Tae's head* Did you forget that we also forced her to meet our friends?? But she never yelled at us, in fact she came with us despite being busy. Now what will we do??

Kook: But hyung, she should have also understood that we are stressed and working.

Yoongi: What the heck is wrong with all of you?? How would she know that we are stressed when Jin hyung told us to not tell her anything???

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