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Author D: This epilogue is for Wattpad only. There is no video made for it so I hope you guys like this extra piece of 'Arrange Marriage with 7 Guys'. Thank you so much for loving this fanfiction and checkout other on going series for you to read. Love you all.


(Author's POV)

- It has been 10 years since Haneul and Tae-hyun were born. Y/n and BTS have 7 kids in total. Now Tae-hyun (Taehyung's baby boy) and Haneul (Jungkook's baby girl) are 10 years old and the 2 twin girls Nabi (Yoongi's baby girl) and Eunji (Namjoon's baby girl) are 8 years old. Hobi's baby boy, Kim Ji-hoon is 7 years old. And lastly Y/n got pregnant with twins of Jin and Jimin, Kim Sung-ho (Jin's baby boy) and Kim Ji-yeon (Jimin's baby girl) who are 5 years old. After 2 years of having the twins Y/n and BTS made the decision to not have anymore kids as Y/n has a hard time taking care of 7 kids already. They also moved into a new house as they needed more rooms since each kid has their own rooms. -

- Today, Y/n and BTS are planning on surprising their kids with a vacation to Bali and Disneyland. They are all waiting for the kids to arrive from their grandparents. -

(Y/n's POV)

~ I was preparing snacks for the kids when the doorbell rang. I quickly washed my hands and headed to open that door thinking it was eomma and appa with the kids but to my surprise it was... ~

Y/n: IRENE??? What are you doing here? *shocked*

Irene: *smirks* I see that you're still their wife... *sarcastically*

Tae: Babe, who is it... *shocked* Irene??

Irene: OMG... Tae baby... *goes to hug Taehyung*

Y/n: *blocks Irene* What do you want? *cold tone*

Irene: I am here to take my boyfriends back...

Y/n: I thought you already got married and didn't you already have a kid???

Irene: I did but... *cut off*

Kids: EOMMA!!! APPA!!! *hugs Y/n & Taehyung*

Irene: You have kids? With the ugliest person on earth... *scoffs*

Nabi: The only ugly person here is you. How much makeup are you wearing??? *disgusting expression*

~ Me and Tae were trying to hold our laughter. But just then all of the kids started laughing at Nabi's comment that we couldn't control ourselves and also heard the others laughing from the living room. ~

Irene: *angry* YAH! HOW DARE YOU TO CALL ME UGLY WHEN YOU ARE UGLY JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!!! *about to slap Nabi when someone held her hand*


~ All the kids hid behind Jungkook, Hobi, Namjoon, & Jimin. They were looking sacred as none of us have ever raised our voices or hands on them. Yes we do scold them and use stern voices but they behave well and understand everything that has been explained to them that we don't need to raise our voices or hurt them physically. ~

Sung-ho: Appa (to Jin) Who is this ajumma?? *everyone except Irene chuckles at his words*

Jin: Someone who doesn't understand that she doesn't have a place in our lives, baby.


~ We saw Irene staring more like glaring at Y/n and the kids. ~

Namjoon: Jagiya, take the kids into their playroom and stay with them. We will deal with her...

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