16. Red Days

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

• Life will always be difficult but you need to have courage and patience to get through each and every problem. Instead of just crying about your problems you should face them because we won't be able to learn anything about life. We make mistakes and learn. Same time with problems, they are created so we can learn from them and make more valuable decisions in the future. •

▪︎ present ▪︎

(Author's POV)

• It's been 2 months since Navi and BTS moved. They have all moved on from what happened and Hyun-woo was sent to jail. Now as per usual BTS has gone to office and Navi is home with Yeontan. She just got back from college and started to work on her assignments. •

Navi: Ahhh why did my stomach start paining all of a sudden?? *checks her phone for date* Ohh no I forgot today is my red day...

• She walks towards her room and heads into the bathroom. But when she looked to see only one pad was there. She changed and decided to call one of her husbands and ask them to bring pads. •

▪︎ On the call ▪︎

Navi: Joonie..... *sniffles*

Joon: Yes baby, what happened? Did you need something?? *worried*

Navi: Umm...can you bring me some pads I ran out and my period started today...👉👈

Joon: Sure honey. I will be right there...

Navi: No need to rush. Just don't forget them please...

Joon: Okk baby. See right now its 4:30 so all of us will be home at 5:30 or so since we finished our work today. And I won't forget your pads...also do you need any pain killers or chocolate???

Navi: *excitedly* Joonie can you bring chocolate and also bring Chinese food. I am craving it...ahhhhh *holds her stomach tightly*

Joon: Honey, what happened? *worried*

Navi: N-nothing...i-it's just cramps...

Joon: Ahh ok baby. Get some rest now...bye...I love you

Navi: Bye...I love you too...

▪︎ end of call ▪︎

• After ending the call Navi lays on the couch and turns on the tv. •

▪︎ At the office ▪︎

(Namjoon's POV)

~ After ending the call with Navi I headed towards our cabin. Saw everyone was doing work sitting on their desks. We only had some work left to do so I asked. ~

Joon: Is everyone finished with their work for the day??

BTS (ex. Joon): Yes we are done.

Joon: Okk we should head home. We also need to pick up food and some things for Navi... *starts cleaning his desk*

Hoseok: Did something happen to her?? *worried*

Joon: No, she just ran out of pads so she called me asking me to bring them. And I guess her cramps are worse this time so she asked for some chocolate and Chinese food...

Jin: Should I make it at home then???

Joon: No need hyung...if we stay to buy groceries then it would take longer. So we should just order online and pick it up. Plus you must be tired from going to meetings at other companies.

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