6. Relatives

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- Previously -

(Author's POV)

-Navi went to bed thinking that she is not alone anymore as she had her soon to be husbands there to comfort her. On the other hand BTS was finding ways to keep Navi happy and not upset her in any way. They were also thinking of how to deal with the relatives.-

- Present -

(Author's POV) (Two days later)

-Throughout these two days BTS has been exploring India with Navi and her cousins and they got their wedding shopping done as they were visiting the mall. And Navi had seemed to forget about her relatives until the day everyone was supposed to meet them.-

Ye-jun: My princess, you are here.

Navi: Hey eomma, where are appa, mom and dad?

Yash: I am right here princess.

-Navi ran towards her father to hug him when someone spoke.-

Relative1: Look, the bad luck is here. *laughs*

Nidhi: My daughter come here. *spreads her arms*

Navi: Hi, eomma *hugs her* How are you? *small smile*

-While Navi was talking with her mom and mother-in-law BTS kept noticing that her relatives kept interpreting their conversation and saying bad things about Navi to Nidhi. So they decided to speak.-

Jimin: Babe, what are they saying?? *asks Navi as they were speaking in hindi*

Navi: Don't worry about it Jagi. They are just talking stupid things and they will shut up once they are tired.

Kook: *walks to Navi and back hugs her* Honey, are you ok?

Navi: I am great because...

Relative3: How shameless they are. Hugging like that in front of family.

-As she said that her son back hugged his fiancé. And Nidhi spoke.-

Nidhi: Tell you son to stop hugging his fiancé then talk about my kids.

Navi: Mom, let her be. She just doesn't understand these things. And Kook, I am fine cause I have you guys and eomma, appa, mom, and dad. *smiles*

Cousin5: How shameless are you that you can't even deal with us by yourself *laughs*

Navi: *smirks* Are you sure you want to talk to me like that because guess what I am the one who is able to decide whether you have a job or not cause you work under Mehta Enterprises.

Irrelevant Relative: Are you threatening me son? Cause you dad is the one who gave the job to my son and you can't take it away.

Navi: Actually AuNtY, I think your son didn't mention that no matter who gave him the job the current CEO, which is me, can fire him. It was written in the contract your SoN signed. *😏*

-BTS was laughing so hard because Navi was burning them like there is no tomorrow and her cousins were enjoying this side of her because they get to see it rarely. While the parents were feeling proud because Navi is finally talking back cause usually she would just avoid any conflict.-

Cousin9: Are you threatening us you wh*re?? Marrying 7 guys and thinking that they will love you?? Huh what a joke...

Navi: At least they love me more than you love your wife. You have been married for 6 years yet she still sleeps on the sofa because you can't tell your parents that you actually like boys. And I am a joke?? *claps*

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