4. Sleepover

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Jin: Come with me, Princess. I will help you in the kitchen. *holds his hand out for Y/n*

-Y/n nods and walks out the room with Jin while the other three are just staring at her in aw because of her cuteness.-


(Y/n's POV)

~I was going to cook when Jin oppa asked me something

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~I was going to cook when Jin oppa asked me something.~

Jin: Baby? Do you know how to cook any Indian dishes?

Y/n: Yes oppa. I do know. Why?

Jin: I was wondering if you would cook that cause we have never tried it?

Y/n: Sure oppa. And you can hangout with the others while I cook. *smiles*

Jin: Okk, call me if you need any help. *walks out of the kitchen*

-time skip-

~Once I finished cooking, I platted everything and set the dinner table. Then called everyone for dinner. They all entered and looked amazed by the dishes on the dinner table.~

Y/n: Have a seat everyone

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Y/n: Have a seat everyone.

Jimin: Umm...baby what did you cook? *confused and surprised*

Y/n: Well Jin daddy said that he wanted to eat Indian food so I cooked it.

Jin: What did you just call me?

Y/n: What? I called you Jin d...*realized what she said*

Taehyung: Did you call him daddy????

~I was burning up looking like a whole tomato. I just wanted the earth to rip in half and swallow me whole.~

Yoongi: *walks in* What's going on?

Jimin: Baby had a slip of tongue and called Jin hyung daddy. *giggles*

Y/n: *Yoongi was standing next to me so I just hugged him and hid my face in his chest* Sowwy it was a slip of tongue.

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