19. Missing

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

• Navi knows that as long as they are standing next to her they will be able to overcome any obstacle that God plants in their way. •

▪︎ present ▪︎

• It's been 4 weeks since they heard from Ayushmann and their guard who had been told to spy on him. They slowly started to let their guard down thinking that Ayushmann wouldn't bother them but no one knew of the storm coming their way... •

(Jungkook's POV)

~ I was doing work when I started thinking. We should have told Navi the truth about us when we first met. We shouldn't have hid it from her. I hope Ayushmann doesn't find out about it because he will definitely use it against us. We don't do anything bad but we are afraid of Navi's reaction to this. ~

Kook: Hyung, should we tell Navi??? *asks everyone in the office*

Jimin: Kookie, we already said that we will tell her at the right time then why ask this now??? *confused*

Kook: Hyung, I am worried, what if Ayushmann gets to know about us and uses it against us???

Navi: *walks in* Hello my sweethearts...lunch is here *looks at them* Why do you all look so pale???

Joon: Nothing babe, we are just worried about this deal with Park Corporation...its been putting us under a lot of stress...

Navi: Don't worry *walks towards Joonie* If you get too stressed I can help...*seductive voice*

Tae: *smirks* How exactly will you help??? *🤨*

Navi: *goes to Tae & sits on his lap* By helping you with work....*smirks*

BTS: Yahhh, don't tease us like that....do you need to be punished...???

Navi: What??? *tires to get up*

Tae: Too late baby...*takes her to their secret room*

▪︎time skip•

(Navi's POV)

~ I woke up to see I am still at the company. I tried to get up from the bed but ended up falling on the cold floor...then I heard someone chuckle...I looked up to see Joon...*😳😳* ~

Joon: *walks to Navi & picks her up* This is why you shouldn't tease us...*starts walking towards a door*

Navi: Yah, wait at least let me wear my clothes before going outside....*slightly hits his chest*

Joon: Baby, I am taking you to the bathroom to get cleaned up... and there are extra clothes in there too...*whispers* Unless you want a round 2 *😏😏*

Navi: *gasps* Yah, when did you start hanging out with Jimin too much....

Jimin: *walking into the room* Yahhh, I am not a pervert....you just make us like that....*smirks* I think we should have a round two....

Joon: Yah, go do your work....*takes Navi to the bathroom*

~ *smiles* I hope that we always stay this happy. Hope Ayushmann is not planning anything *smile fades away* ~

(Jimin's POV)

~ I was looking at Navi smiling but suddenly that smile faded and I knew she was thinking about what Ayushmann will be planning next because she knows that he won't give up....so I decided to take her mind off him... ~

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