13. Care

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Jimin: *lays Navi on the bed* I won't be going easy on you tonight. *whispers in a deep voice*

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ next morning ▪︎

(Jimin's POV)

~ I was sleeping peacefully when the sunlight disturbed my sleep. I felt something heavy on my chest so I looked down only to see Navi snuggled next to me. Then her alarm went off and she woke up so I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. ~

Navi: *looks at Jimin* Good morning, mochi. *admires his features*

~ I felt her looking at me, so I opened my eyes and she looked shocked. ~

Jimin: Good morning baby.

Navi: Good morning. *gets up*

Jimin: *pulls her back* Where do you think you are going?

Navi: I have to go to Yoongi. *trying to get up*

Jimin: *lets go* OKkk go. *smirks*

~ Navi gets up from the bed and takes two steps and falls on the floor. ~

Navi: Ahhhhh *on the ground*

A/n: *sings* On the ground....

Jimin: *gasps* Oops...sorry I went a little too rough...

Navi: *death stare* Shut up and help me...

• If looks could kill our mochi would have been dead by now. •

~ I help her go to the bathroom and change into my hoodie and some shorts. Then I picked her up bridal style and take her to Yoongi hyung. ~

(Yoongi's POV)

~ I woke up and freshened up before heading toward the kitchen to make coffee for Navi and myself. After that I went outside and sat down to wait for Navi. Few minutes later I saw Jimin coming while carrying Navi. ~

Navi: Good morning, meow meow. *smiles*

Yoongi: Good morning kitten. *takes Navi from Jimin* Why were you carrying her Jimin??

Navi: Meow meow, this mochi *pointing at Jimin* went hard last night and laughed at me when I fell. *angry pout*

Jimin: Yah, baby I already apologized.

Yoongi: *chuckles* It's fine baby. Also don't worry if Jin hyung finds out he will definitely scold him. *wraps Navi with a blanket*

Navi: *smirks* I should tell Jinnie then when he comes to take me for cooking. *😈*

Jimin: *😱😱* Noo... please baby don't tell hyung. He will literally run after me with his pink slipper.

~ Navi started laughing at how sacred Jimin was. She was about to speak when someone spoke from behind Jimin. ~

Jin: You did what now??? *holding his pink slipper*

Jimin: *scared* H-hyung...

Yoongi: *😏😏* He went hard on Y/n and laughed at her when she fell down today.

Jimin: Yahh, Yoongi hyung, why did you just tell him that?? *walking backwards*

Jin: JIMINNNNNNN!!! *runs after Jimin*

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