20. Celebrations

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Jimin: Now present....

Navi: Okkk *starts kissing him with love and affection and Jimin immediately kisses her back*

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ next day ▪︎

(Author's POV)

~ Right now Navi is waiting for her husbands to get home. She has been ignoring Vminkook all day and now she plans on teasing them. So she decided to put on a sexy nightie and wait for them. The older 4 know about Navi ignoring the maknaes and they are having fun seeing their faces... ~

Navi: ~I am currently in the living room waiting for my husbands to come home. It's only 4pm but today is Saturday so they took a half day. I was looking over my project for college when I heard the door open. I walk towards them and start helping the 4 oldest then once I have to help Vminkook I walk off...~

Jimin: Baby, can you help me get this coat off...

Navi: ........

Yoongi: *smirks* Baby you're looking sexy in that outfit...

Navi: Thank you, honey...*winks*

• Maknaes looks at Navi in disbelief. Everything was fine yesterday but now she is ignoring them...but why? And if she is ignoring them then why not their hyungs too...so many thoughts were running through their minds...so they decided to talk with Navi when she went to Taehyung's room to sleep... •

(Maknae's POV)

~ After finishing dinner we came to Tae's room. The 3 of us are waiting for Navi but she hasn't come yet...and it was almost time to sleep. ~

Kook: Hyungs, we should just go and check where she is...

Tae: Yea let's go...

~ We walked out to hear laughing sounds coming from Navi's room so we went to check...when we opened the door we saw our hyungs and Navi watching a movie while cuddling...but they didn't ask us to join them... ~

Kook: *walks in front of them* Hyung, what didn't you invite us to watch the movie with you all *pouts*

Hobi: We thought you fell asleep...

Jimin: Can we join now???

Joon: Well the movie is finished so we will sleep...Baby, who are you sleeping with today???

Navi: With Yoongi...*looks at Yoongi* He is already sleeping here...

Tae: But...*pouts* It's my turn *sad pout*

Navi: ~He looks so cute....my heart was melting but they need to learn their lesson... I look at Tae for a quick second and then lay down next to Yoongi..~

Yoongi: Kitten, you look really sexy, I can't control myself anymore...*starts kissing Navi*

~ We leave and go back to Tae's room. ~

Tae: What did we do??

Kook: Maybe she is taking revenge for what we said to her on thursday... *sad*

Jimin: For yelling at her??

Joon: *come into the room* Not for yelling at her but for flirting with our employees. And because of the three of you she wants to separate both the companies into two different buildings instead of one building...

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