15. Healed by Love

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

BTS: ~We must have done so much good in our past life to get such an understanding wife like Navi. Usually at her age girls believe whatever they hear, but she is different because she wants to know the whole truth before jumping to conclusions. We made the right choice by marrying her.~ 

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ 6 days later ▪︎

(Author's POV)

• Currently Navi is sitting in the living room with a pout on her face. And BTS is trying to make her smile. •

Jin: Baby, it's only for one day. Please don't be sad.

• BTS has to go to Busan for a day for a business meeting. Navi can't go with them as she has college tomorrow and needs to rest. •

Navi: But why can't at least one of you stay here? Please...*puppy eyes*

Hoseok: Love, we would want nothing more than to stay with you but appa said that all 7 of us have to attend this meeting. *comforting voice*

Navi: *pouts and looks away*

• Navi doesn't like staying alone and she can't go to her in-laws house because they are in India with her parents. Also none of her friends are in town and she doesn't know any of their friends to stay with them. •

Joon: Well we can do one thing cause I don't want our baby to be alone.

Navi: *looks at Joon with her doe eyes* What is it??

Joon: *chuckles at her cuteness* Whoever stays with you can attend the meeting through zoom. That way we all attend the meeting and *looks at Navi* you won't have to be alone.

Navi: *eyes sparkling* REALLY????

Jin: *chuckles* How about I stay with her and you 6 go as you know more about the project and I will still attend through zoom.

• Everyone nods and goes to pack except Navi and Jin. •

Jin: Baby, I will go get ready for the office. You will come at lunch right? *stands up*

Navi: *nods* Yes Jinnie, I will bring lunch for both of us. *stands up and goes to the kitchen*

• Soon everyone leaves except Jin. He is having car trouble so he was waiting for their driver who was appointed for Navi.  •

▪︎ inside ▪︎

(Navi's POV)

~ I was in the kitchen preparing lunch, when I heard glass breaking. I thought that it was Yeontan so I called him. ~

Navi: Tannie, come to eomma. *looking around and spots Yeontan on the floor next to her* If Tannie is here then who broke the glass??

~ I got a knife and my phone. I dial Jin's number while heading towards the living room where the sound came from. I saw a figure standing there so I try to be as quiet as possible but the person notices me and smirks. ~

???: Ahh you are their wife. I thought that no one was in the house but it's better that you are here.

Navi: Who are you??? *nervous but hides it*

???: I am Hyun-woo, your husband's business rival. *smirks*

• Jin already picked up the call and heard everything so he was trying to find a way to get in without being noticed by Hyun-woo and asked the guards to call the cops. •

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