22. Revenge

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Yash: Now all of you should get some rest... Stay here for a few days and then go to your house...

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ few days later ▪︎

(Navi's POV)

~ It's been a few days since we came to India. All of them had to go to Korea for work but Hobi decided to stay here and handle working with dad at the company. It's currently midnight and he is still not back from work. Dad came back around dinner time and told me that he will be late but I don't understand cause none of them ever work this late and if they have work then they bring it home. I was sitting in the living room waiting cause I had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. ~

Navi: I am just going to call him.... *picks up her phone to dial when the doorbell rings*

~ I rush towards the door and open it to see Hobi bleeding from a wound on his left arm. I helped him inside and asked the guards to check around the house to see if there was anyone nearby who looked suspicious. I helped Hobi sit on the couch and go towards the kitchen to get the first aid kit.. ~

Navi: Honey, did you see the person who attacked you?? *cleaning Hobi's injuries*

Hobi: No it all happened pretty fast and I didn't even know that someone was following me cause I was in a rush to come home to you...

Navi: Honey, you should have been more careful, I am glad that you got away and don't have any serious injuries. *finish cleaning Hobi's wounds*

Guard1: *came inside* Ma'am we saw your mother and step-sister near sir's car.

Navi: *red from anger* Where are they now?

Guard1: They are outside with the other guards...

Navi: Take them to the basement... *look at Hobi* Honey, you get some rest in our room, I will come after dealing with my so-called mother... *leaves before Hobi could protest*

(Author's POV)

- Hobi didn't follow Navi as he knew that she was strong enough to deal with Hemal and Aanya on her own plus there are guards with her. So he went into their shared room to rest. -

Navi: ~I entered the basement to see Hemal and Aanya tied to chairs.~ So you two are the ones who tried to hurt my family??

Hemal: We- we didn't do anything... Please let us go... *crying*

Navi: If you didn't want to hurt Hobi, then why were you both near his car earlier??

Aanya: W.... I.... *stuttering*

Navi: You What?? *cold voice*

Hemal: We were trying to st-steal it... *lies*

Navi: *eye rolls* Like I will believe you both... *to the guards* Torture them until they say why they were there... *leaves*

Hemal: ~I thought she would believe me, but looks like I am going to have to find a way out of this stupid and dirty place.~ *to the guard* Sir, if you let us go I will make sure you get satisfied...😏😏 *seductive voice*

Guard2: *laughs* Do you think anyone would go against a Mafia Queen just to get their needs satisfied and we are all happily married... *laughs with the other guards*

Hemal: ~I will make sure Navi and her husband drift apart. Otherwise there will be no other way for me to have a fancy lifestyle. I also can't rely on Aanya to make a plan to get BTS to fall for her. Maybe I should try getting into Navi's head... *smirks* ~

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