5. Going to India

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Author: There have been changes that were made while I was typing this part. The one on Youtube is also a bit different; however, its not such a major change that effects the storyline. Also sorry for not updating in a while. I have been busy with college assignments.



-Everyone enjoyed their breakfast and went on with their lives. Navi and BTS were excited for their wedding. They were falling for each other and love was blooming but there were challenges in their way. However, they all had fate that by being with each other they will be able to come over those challenges.-


(Author's POV) (3 weeks later)

-Navi was sitting in the living room with Namjoon and Yoongi for the rest of the guys to come because they were leaving for India today. Navi was deep in thought while Yoongi and Namjoon were talking about business. Soon after the Maknae line entered with Jin and Hoseok.-

Hoseok: Okkk, how much time do we have before we need to leave?

Joon: We have 4 hours. I was thinking that maybe we should grab lunch before heading towards the airport, what do you think?

Kook: Yes hyung, that sounds like a great idea. What do you say, princess?

-They all turned towards Navi waiting for a reply but she was lost in her thoughts. So Tae went and tapped her shoulder to get her back to reality.-

Navi: ~I was in deep thought when someone tapped my shoulder, i jumped a little and looked to see all of them staring at me so I asked.~ What's wrong?

Jimin: Nothing, but what are you thinking?

Navi: Ummm...I...wa-want....

Yoongi: Baby, just say it clearly...

Navi: IWANTTOSTOPCALLINGYOUDADDY!!!!!! *spoke with the speed of lighting*

Kook: What? *confused*

Tae: We did not understand...

Navi: *normal tone* I want to stop calling you daddy!

Jimin: Why??

Navi: Because it's cringey and it's also weird to call my soon to be husband's daddy. I just don't like it. I am sorry. *walks to the kitchen*

-BTS follows Navi as they could see that there was something definitely that they didn't know and they didn't want her to be upset.-

Jin: Baby, you don't have to call us DADDY if you don't want to. But why are you upset?

Joon: Is it because of your relatives...?

-During the past three weeks Navi has been getting calls from her relatives because she is marrying 7 guys. As it is not normalized in the world they (Navi's relatives) started to badmouth her and some of her cousins ever called her a s**t and a wh**e. This led to Navi not wanting to go to India as much but still didn't say anything. Also, BTS knew because they were there when she would get these calls.-

Navi: No it's not. I just don't have the energy to deal with this all over again. I know that this might sound selfish but I just wished that we could get married here without any relatives. Just a small intimate wedding with us, parents, and close friends. *looking down*

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