24. Final

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Yoongi: *walking towards them* She is right. Plus Aanya is only 19 years old and she has a long life ahead of her. She has learned her lesson from all the torture and we should stop while we have a chance to correct this one mistake of ours.

Hobi: He's absolutely right... *spoke from behind Yoongi*

▪︎ present ▪︎

- 9 month of pregnancy -

(Author's POV)

- Currently Navi was sitting in the living room watching TV with Jungkook. While Jin and Suga were busy cooking for Navi as she was hungry. Namjoon was in the basement dealing with Hemal as he had decided to finally end her chapter in all. -

▪︎ in the basement ▪︎

- Namjoon went into Aanya's room with her dad and handed her back to him. After they left he headed into Hemal's room with Jimin, Taehyung, & Hobi. -

Joon: *entering into room* Finally it's time to end you... *smirking*

Hemal: Wh-what do you m-mean?

Jimin: Meaning it's for you to say 'bye bye world'. *smirks*

Hemal: You can't kill me... You will get arrested...

Tae: *laughing* You think 7 powerful mafia kings who work with the police would get arrested for killing someone who tried to hurt their wife and unborn child... *laughing*

Hobi: Well who wants to do the honors?

Vmin: We will do the honors...

- Taehyung and Jimin hold their guns and point it at Hemal. Just then Namjoon spoke. -

Joon: Any last wishes?

Hemal: I----

- Before she got to finish her sentence Tae and Jimin both shoot her 6 times. Just as one of them was about to speak, they heard Navi yells from upstairs. -

▪︎ in the living room ▪︎

Navi: MY WATER BROKE YOU COCONUT HEAD!!!! *yelling at Jungkook*

Kook: Okkk, let me take you to the hospital... *yelling* HYUNGS I AM TAKING Navi TO THE HOSPITAL HER WATER BROKE... *carefully picking up Navi*

- Everyone ran into the living room. Jin went to grab the hospital bags they had prepared while Yoongi and Hobi ran to their cars and started driving to the hospital. Jungkook got into the car with Navi and Yoongi started driving without waiting for the others as they didn't have much time. -

(Jungkook's POV)

~ I was trying my best to calm down Navi as she was in pain which none of us could imagine... While Yoongi hyung drove faster as he heard Navi's screams. ~

Kook: Baby, deep breaths. Remember we learned you need to take deep breaths. Here do it with me... 1...2...3 deep breath in *breathing in* breath out.... Come one more deep breath....

Yoongi: We are almost there... just deep breaths... *saw Navi closing her eyes* Kookie, don't let her close her eyes...

Kook: Yes hyung... *lightly tapping Navi's cheeks* Baby, stay awake...

Navi: *crying* It's h-hurting r-r-really b-bad... *taking small deep breaths*

Yoongi: Just a few more minutes we are almost there, honey...

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