23. Pregnancy

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▪︎ previously ▪︎

Joon: *grabs his gun and shoots Hemal's legs 6 times each* You won't be able to this time because she has 7 husbands who are a wall between you and her... *leaves*

▪︎ present ▪︎

▪︎ 3 days later ▪︎

(Author's POV)

- In the last three days a lot has changed. Navi stopped distancing herself after all 7 of her husbands reassured her that they will not leave her alone because she was their life and the baby growing inside her was the symbol of their love. Hemal and Aanya were being tortured everyday because Namjoon didn't want to risk anything by letting them free. Their parents had all returned to Korea for the time being to be protected from Hemal and Aanya's plans. Now Navi was sitting in the living room cuddling with all of their fur friends while watching a movie. -

Navi: I am hungry... let's see what's in the kitchen....

- She stood up and headed towards the kitchen to check out what there was to eat but couldn't find anything. She immediately went back to the living room and called one of her husbands, Yoongi. -

▪︎ OTP ▪︎

Yoongi: Yes my baby *sweet voice*

Navi: *whining* Yoongi-ah....

Yoongi: Yes love? *chuckles*

Navi: I want to eat food but we don't have anything at home....

Yoongi: Baby, ask one of the maids to bring food for you...

Navi: But none of the maids are here. Who am I supposed to ask?

Yoongi: Okk my baby. What do you want to eat?

Navi: I want to eat Jjamppong (Korean Seafood Spicy Noodle Soup) and Kimchi... Also banana milk... *giggles*

Yoongi: Okkk, love. I am going to get everything and come home. Till then get some rest ok?

Navi: Also bring strawberry ice cream...

Yoongi: Okk, love. *chuckles* Bye... I love you

Navi: See you soon... I love you

▪︎ End of call ▪︎

(Yoongi's POV)

~ Navi is so cute when she wants to eat something that mine or Jin hyung cook for her. During her pregnancy she only eats the food cooked by me and Jin hyung. No one else, not even mom and eomma cook for her. Maybe it's because the baby is craving our favorite foods which are mainly cooked by me and Jin hyung. Anyways I went into Jin hyung's cabin to ask him if he would like to come home as the others are in a meeting and can't leave without completing the meeting. ~

Yoongi: Hyung, I am going home early. You want to join or will you come later with the others?

Jin: I will come with you because all my work is finished. And I was thinking of cooking something for Navi as the maids are off today.

Yoongi: *chuckles* Hyung, she just called me asking if I could go home and cook. So perfect timing for both of us to cook. Let's get some groceries and then head home quickly...

~ Both of us head towards the grocery store and by everything we need and start to head home only to be meet with a sleeping Navi who is kept warm by all of the pets cuddled next to her. ~

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