8. Mehandi

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- previously -

Kook: That was a funny movie.

Hoseok: Yes it was.

Joon: We should head to bed, we have to wake up early tomorrow.

- present -

(Navi's POV) (next morning)

~I woke up a little early today and got ready. Eomma had told me to put on something simple for the mehandi ceremony today as I don't want my new clothes to get dirty and I will be sitting for hours so I wanted to be comfortable. I was actually nervous because usually mehendi functions are supposed to be only for ladies but since both the families are going to function together the 7 of them will be there as well.~


~I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for all of us. I was in the middle of cooking and I got a call from dad.~


Navi: Hey dad, what's up?

Yash: Hey princess, we are coming to the guest house soon.

Navi: Okk dad. I am already preparing breakfast for all of you as well.

Yash: Thanks princess. We are just 4 minutes away.

Navi: Great. See you soon. ~After biding our goodbyes I hung up and started cooking again.~

End of Call -

(Jin's POV)

~I woke up and saw everyone was still sleeping but Navi was not in the room. I just got ready before I went downstairs.~

-time skip-

~I walked into the kitchen and saw Navi cooking. I walked and back hugged her.~

Jin: Good morning, baby. *kisses her cheek*

Navi: Good morning, honey. How was your sleep?

Jin: I slept great. Wbu?

Navi: Me too. Just making some breakfast. Can you wake up the guys? And parents will be here in a few minutes. *still cooking*

Jin: Sure baby. I will wake the guys up. *kisses her cheek again and leaves*

~After waking everyone up, I walked to the living room. But before I could sit down the doorbell rang. I walked up and opened it to see our parents there.~

Jin: Good morning, parents. *moves aside to let them in*

Mrs. Kim: Good morning. Where is everyone? *looking around*

Jin: Navi is in the kitchen and the guys are getting ready cause they just woke up. *sits down on the couch*

Ye-jun: I will go to Navi...

Mrs. Kim: I will also come with you. *both leave*

Jin: So what are we doing today?

(Navi's POV)

~I was cooking when mom and eomma came in.~

Navi: Good morning, mom and eomma.

Ye-jun: Princess, do you need any help?

Navi: No eomma. I am almost done. You two should wait in the dining room and call everyone else there as well.

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