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I was super pissed with Forth. I hated the fact that he used my name to lie to Yo.

It also hurt me that I am only worth a fib and not a truth. I decided to avoid him as it was the best for me. That was pretty easy given that my first year schedule was very very demanding and due to his  current infatuation over Yo, Forth hasn't really been seen at Sotus either. Park and Lam have been heading it in his interim absence.

I went to Sotus, as usual and we all lined up, waiting to be tortured as usual. I had my head down and in military position when I heard Forth's curt voice ring out, strong and steady.

"First years, all look up. Today's session will be a test of both your mental and physical strength. What you will be doing...."

The rest of his words zoned out as I whipped my head up in surprise hearing his voice. As he finished, everyone around me started groaning. I peeked at Posh and Wai cluelessly who filled me in that we had to do 10 sets of crunches, laps, push ups and other cardio exercises - a total of 7 different types, 30 times each and 10 sets making it 300 in total each for 7 different types of exercises. We were so dead. However I looked at it as a good chance to unleash any of my frustration towards Forth by doing it.

We started off, and I went off at my pace. Midway, alot of them started floundering, 3/4 through, alot of them gave up. By the end of it, I was part of a handful few who kept and completed it.
Forth and the hazing team rewarded us with a 3 day off Sotus whereas the rest had additional punishments to fulfill over the next 3 days.

At the end of the session, I sat on the floor, wiped out and drained. All of that physical activity had done nothing to clear the frustration in my head and heart and I just felt even more drained. I sat down, sighing deeply until a shadow loomed over me. I looked up only to see Forth standing there holding a bottle. I stood up, readied in military position and stood at attention.

"Sotus is over. I am not your head hazer now. Can you stand at ease?"

I stood at ease and looked down.

"Here, have some water."

"No, thank you."

"Don't be stubborn. It has been tiring. Take it. Please. I'm doing it as a friend."

"You aren't my friend Forth. You are nothing to me just like what I am nothing to you. So no, I don want anything from someone I prefer not to know." I then strode off from the hall, grimacing in pain though I didn't let Forth see anything.

(Meanwhile.. from Forth's POV)

"You aren't my friend Forth. You are nothing to me just like what I am nothing to you. So no, I don want anything from someone I prefer not to know."

Hearing those words stirred something in my heart. An unpleasant feeling that just made me feel uneasy. Another feeling was floating by yet I couldn't put a finger on it.

I just watched as Ming strode off. It then hit me that his words had made me feel sad and angry with myself over the way I had treated him. Now he was treating me like how I had done and that made me feel worthless.

Truth Vs Lie (ForthMing) (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now