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It was nice to be able to be friends with Forth again. I will just work on slowly getting over my feelings for him but not talking to him and ignoring him was such a misery.

We were so drunk after our night out that Max and Tul offered to drop us off. They dropped us at Forth's dorm. Forth and I were just too drunk to even think of washing up but I think Forth held it abit more. I just laid flat on the ground, completely gone whilst Forth tried to drag himself for a cold shower. It must have worked for he came out in his towel and looking much more fresher.

He even managed to drag my sorry ass and smacked me awake to shower. The cold shower woke me up too!! He gave me a set of clothes and I wore it, fitting me just nicely. We crashed into bed. He pulled me towards him and snaked his arm around my waist. I just snuggled into him. The cold shower had woken me up so I just laid in bed, studying him for a bit. His eyes were closed and breathing regular so I safely assumed he was sleeping.

My fingers lightly skimmed over his face; barely touching him lest I woke him up. I saw his brows frowning and I wanted to smoothen it out so I did it slowly so he prolly think he was dreaming.

"Cant sleep is it?" I gasped when I heard Forth mutter. I wanted to pull away but he turned towards me and looked at me. I grinned sheepishly, having been caught. I nodded in agreement and he just smiled. He ruffled my hair and said to sleep as it was already super late.

I nodded and was about to close my eyes when I heard him ask "Ming, can I kiss you?"
I looked at him, wide eyed, wondering what I should say. I decided to take the plunge and nodded my consent.
Forth leaned forward towards my forehead and I closed my eyes, thinking he wanted to kiss my forehead. But he dipped at the last minute and kissed my lips instead. The sudden gesture caught me by surprise and my eyes opened wide!

I looked at him and he softly kissed my lips, no pressure whatsoever. It was one of comfort, meant to soothe the soul. He broke away looking at me, with a look that was a combination of fear and excitement. I leaned forward and kissed him back, sparking off a chain of events that led to the two of us being naked, exhausted and completely ravished.

We woke up hours later in each other's arms and just looked at each other. I wasn't sure where we were going. Were we going to blame alcohol for it?

"I kissed you because I wanted to. It felt right. I know just weeks ago you saw me pining over Yo but now I am here with you. I promise I don't have Yo in my heart anymore. But I need some time to figure out what you mean. Till then, will you date me? Rather, would you allow me to date you?"

I looked at Forth whose words had interrupted my chain of thoughts. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but Forth has always been very honest which is what I liked about him. I nodded my head in consent and dived in to hug him again.

Maybe time will tell the path for us..

Truth Vs Lie (ForthMing) (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now