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I was walking home when Lam rode by. He stopped the bike and signalled me over. What did this tyrant want now? He's forever using me as his personal assistant, punching bag, whatever you call it.

"Going home? Let me drop you."
"Ah no need P, it's quite near. I can manage."
"Its a good 20 minute walk away. In case you forgot, I stay at the same area too. Let me."

I stopped arguing and got on when I saw his angry face. I didn't want to risk getting scolded. It was indeed 20 minutes away. I was thankful for the ride as it had been a long day. We went off and it was a peaceful ride. Soon we reached the dorm in half the time. I alighted, thanked Lam for the ride and was about to take off when he stopped me.

"Erm, are you doing anything later?"
"No P, just meeting Ming and Wai at the bar. Why?"
"OH we will be there too.."
"OH u want us to join you again? Ming and P Forth still fighting?"
"Er, yes and no."
"What I mean is.."

But just then my phone rang. It was my mom. Shit I had forgotten to call her. I excused myself and answered the call. Once I was done, I turned around to see that Lam was gone. Oh Wells. I will probably see him later.

True enough, later that night, we were invited to the seniors table again. But this time, Ming sat next to Forth since they had already made up. Anyways I had no intention of sitting near Forth after my last experience though I knew it was an accident. I walked towards Park to sit and I saw Lam frown. I thought maybe Park was forbidden property so I discreetly moved towards Max and Tul to sit and I saw Lam frown still. I was so confused. I saw Lam just look at the empty seat next to him and looked at me again. I cocked my head at him, utterly confused.

I saw an empty seat next to Wai and moved towards that and I saw Lam frowning again. What?! Ming got pissed of me moving around like a crab and shouted at me to sit before he came over. I quickly sat down at the nearest which happened to be next to Lam and i finally saw that man smile, a tiny smile but still a smile.

What was that about?

The night was super super happening! The boys all got so drunk especially Park and Wai. They kept playing this lame drinking game with Forth and Ming and all 4 got hopelessly drunk. I didn't want to drink too much as I still had to drag Wai's sorry ass home. I noticed that Lam didn't drink much too but I figured that's cos he had to drag Park home. We all broke up around 3am, each of us wanting to drag 1 home. Max and Tul were pretty sober and had a car so they offered to send Forth and Ming home. Lam had a car too so he said he will send Park and Wai home. He told me to get on and that he will drop me off too. I was quite thankful frankly. We dropped Park off at his dorm with some fanfare. Drunk Park was no joke and for some reason, Wai also wanted to stay over as he was too lazy to travel in the car. My eyes opened wide at this and I refused but Wai was being so stubborn. But seeing both drunk guys, I really didnt want to argue with them further so we left them as it is, locked the door and slid the keys under the door.

On our way back to my dorm, Lam asked "Are you and Wai dating? You seemed pretty upset about leaving him there."
I snorted at that. "Please P, probably another life time. I am not dating him. We are just very good friends. I am just worried because he is so horribly drunk but then again he's with Park. I think if there was any scuffle, Park can still protect them both. Plus I'm straight so I don't like guys that way."

Lam just hmmed at my answer but I saw his face dim a little at my last sentence. However he turned away quickly and continued driving. He dropped me off and I thanked him for it. He was about to drive off, just further down the road to his own but I stopped him.

"P, it's so late already. Why not stay over? My dorm ie pretty big and you can take the bed. I can sleep on the floor."

"Ah its ok. Its really not too far away."

"Please i insist. Its the least i can do."

I saw Lam ponder over my words but eventually agreed. I brought him over, gave him some of my stuff and a new towel. We got ready for bed and I got him to take it whilst i went to my sofa. However, minutes later, Lam called me saying we could share the bed as it's big enough. I smiled, then went over. I slid in and soon we both fell asleep, out like the light.

I woke up in the morning, only to find the bed empty. I sat up straighter and found some food on the table. I walked over and saw a note.

"Thank you for your kindness. See you. Lam".

I just smiled, it was so very Lam. A man of few words. Sometimes I hardly knew what went on in his head. I opened the food just to see my favorites. Either he's a very observant quiet man or just lucky to have gotten my favorites!

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