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I was at the bar with the boys, just drinking and chilling when the first years strode in. I casually sat up straighter to see if Ming was among them. True enough he was. I decided to use this opportunity to invite them over but I had to do it discreetly. I looked at Lam and signalled. He knew what had happened and was pissed with me too but decided to help knowing I wanted to make amends. He called the first years over and invited them to our table. Since it was their seniors, they had to be respectful and accept. I watched as they all sat down. I was hoping Ming would sit with me but he chose to sit next to Park, leaving Posh to be next to me. I could feel Posh stiffen and sit straight and I just laughed.

It was easy camaraderie all around chit chatting and drinking. Some of the senior girls came over, flirting hopelessly with us. There was one that was particularly interested in Ming. I clenched my fists, watching her flirt her heart out with Ming. But the best part was, Ming responded back. Till now, he had never even looked in my direction nor did he talk much though he did talk to Park. However, now he finally responded to the girl. He threw her his cheeky half smirk and patted his lap. She took that invitation and sat down, just twirling her hair and talking softly in his ears. He kept his attention on her, fully absorbed in what she had to say. He bought her a drink and they laughed and chatted. Meanwhile I was just steaming over what I saw, wondering why was he responding to her and I suddenly clenched my fist only to hear Posh scream out in pain. I whipped my head to see that I had grabbed his hand instead and had almost twisted it in my frustration.

Shit! I let go immediately and Ming was shocked. He looked up, pushed her off his lap and came over. I decided to scoot towards the end of the couch which allowed him to sit next to me, whilst looking at Posh's wrist. Lam stared at me from the other side whilst Park came over too.

Thankfully he was OK and I apologised to Posh who waved it off amicably. Ming then wanted to stand up to go back to his seat but I grabbed his left wrist and pulled him back before he could even sit up. He stared at me and I just narrowed my eyes at him. But then, he calmly used his other hand, took mine off and just stood up. He went back to the girl, whispered something and then took his leave from us, bringing her with him.

I just looked down, clenching my hands in frustration, my nails digging deep unto my palm. I stood up, wanting to get another beer from the bartender when I saw her come back. I was confused. I went up to her and queried on where Ming was.

"OH Ming? I just followed him out whilst he went to get his bike to go home. I bought my cigarette n came back. Why?"

I was puzzled. Then what exactly did he whisper to her? I queried and found out that he had merely told her he wanted to leave and asked if she wanted company since she was going out too. I realized that a smile had come over my face, when I realised that Ming had just gone home.

I decided to go and see him instead and earn his forgiveness back, beg him if I had to. I went to his dorm and knocked on his door. I was waiting for him to open the door as I could hear him shuffling over. Just as he was about to open, I heard Yo call me out. I turned to see Yo sobbing and running to me. Just then, the door opened, Ming saw me. I was taken aback as Yo hugged me crying whilst Ming just saw everything.

Before I could say anything, Ming closed the door. "MING! OI" I shouted in frustration whilst having Yo hold onto me. I got pissed and pushed Yo off.

Yo was stunned but he was silenced when he realized I had turned my attention back to the door, knocked furiously whilst shouting "I know i did wrong by making you a lie. But what the fuck, me trying to earn your forgiveness is the truth. Can't you give me a chance?!???"

There was absolute silence for a bit. I really thought Ming would open the door. But he didn't. He didn't open it at all. I waited for a good 30 minutes but he didn't. Even Yo walked away. I only finally left when Lam came by, dragging me away.

Truth Vs Lie (ForthMing) (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now