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School was really tiring. The only thing that kept me going was the chance to see Forth during Sotus and meals. He was such a breath of fresh air. Even though we were dating, it didn't change things between us. I was still his junior, he treated me the same during Sotus like everyone else. I refused to be treated any differently. The only difference would be that my Sotus meals arranged by the committee always came with an iced americano, courtesy of the head hazer. That I let it slide. Hehe.

I was heading home when I saw Forth talking to a girl. She looked like she was saying something that he didn't like hearing. I saw his face frown and crunch. He even moved away hesitantly. I didn't go over, trusting Forth to do the right thing. I just casually walked past them, just interrupting then by respectfully waii-ing at them. I took the opportunity to look at Forth who assured me with his eyes that he had it and I just smiled, going off.

I was in my room playing games when I heard knocks. I went over to open and found my cute little date at the door. I chuckled, letting him come in and harassing him over how much the girl had harassed him. He laughed and threw a pillow at me. Suddenly there was another knock at my door. I looked at Forth. He was here, who could it be then?

Couldn't be Wai or Posh as the former was out with Park again and the latter was doing his assignments. He had just video called me earlier from his room. I went over to open the door and found Yo  crying away. Forth saw that and came over wanting to close the door on him but I glared at Forth. No way he was doing this to someone who was crying! I beckoned Yo to come in. Surprisingly, instead of going to Forth for comfort, Yo turned to me and hugged me instead, wailing over Fai. I felt Forth stiffen next to me but I gotta give him credit. He held it in. I didn't hug Yo back but rather pushed him gently and made him sit on the couch. I sent Forth to get him water whilst I asked on what was wrong. Yo was still a friend after all. I found out over much tears and fanfare that Fai had broken up with him. He was very much distraught and he asked if he could spend the night here.

I gulped, not knowing what to quite answer. He was indeed sad but I knew Forth would see red if i allowed him to. I kept quiet for a bit, whilst Yo asked again. Forth was in the background too. I just looked at Yo and said, "You can stay here for as long as you want, to talk or cry. But you will have to go home for my boyfriend wouldn't like it and I am not comfortable making him unhappy too. Plus I am sure Fai wouldn't like it too even though you guys may have broken up."

Yo just pouted at me but I stood firm. He realised it was a lost cause and left about an hour later, thanking us for letting him crash. I smiled, hugged him and sent him off. I turned around after closing the door only to have Forth kiss me!

I pulled away in surprise at him and he smiled at me, "I know what you mean to me Ming. You are indeed my favorite junior, not just as a sotus mate or Engineering kaki but rather my one and only junior whom I love. What you did there proved your maturity and how you behaved earlier when I was with the girl proved your trust in me. What more can a man want? A loving partner with such a beautiful personality and kick ass sex. Be my boyfriend ok? Let's make it true."

I looked at Forth, surprised and shocked. I loved dating him but never thought, that he would make me his one day. I smiled and nodded my consent. Heh, who said strappy giants couldn't have a happily ever after?

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