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It was the weekend. Usually I spent it gaming or fishing with the boys. But I had zero plans today so decided to go get some breakfast before going to see Posh and Wai.

I went out of my dorm and went to the nearby cafe. I saw Forth there. It was an uncommon sight since it was nearest to the Engineering dorm. I saw Lam with him. I could see them deep in conversation. I wondered if I should join them or sit alone when I heard Lam call me over. I smiled, went over and waiied respectfully to them. I noted that Lam had his breakfast while Forth had a cup of black coffee. Lam invited me to join them. I slipped into an easy conversation with Lam over breakfast whilst Forth kept quiet, nursing his coffee. Before I finished my food, Forth took his leave, claiming he had to go meet Park. I saw a look of confusion flit over Lam and instantly knew Forth was lying. I didn't say anything though and he left.

"Why is he avoiding me P?"
"Isn't it ironic you are asking this when you avoided him in the first place? He's merely giving you what you want, which is behave like he doesn't exist in your world."

"But he sent me home..."
"At my insistence. He was half prepared for you to just walk away or scold him over it. Which you would have if Park didn't intervene. Right??"

"I know he didn't do right by lying to Yo and using your name for it.. but you don have to punish him like this.."
"I am just angry.. that.. "
"Of course, especially when you like him and he does this"

"P, I don like Forth.. its not that.."
"Forth is definitely the dumb friend. Not me so don't try to lie to me. Please. Its so obvious which is why you are so affected. But have you seen what you are doing? He doesn't even know you like him or he wouldn't have used your name and lied. He's not that heartless. You are avoiding and ignoring someone who is clueless. And clearly hurting now."

I sat in silence, letting Lam's words wash over me. He placed a sandwich on my table, claiming Forth hasn't eaten properly in the last 2 days and had been only drinking coffee. He also mentioned he should be back at his dorm as Park is away for the weekend at his parents.
I looked at the sandwich for a long time before I took it and left. I thanked Lam and left, as I should. He just laid back, nursing his coffee, screaming "Posh come join meee" as I left. Seeing Posh walk in, surprised by Lam's calls and mortified by me leaving, I chuckled at this poor boy who was in for a hard time soon.

Truth Vs Lie (ForthMing) (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now