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I met Ming and Wai for breakfast at the Engineering canteen on Monday. It was way too early for me. Ugh.

Just then the seniors joined us, namely Park, Lam & Forth. I gulped wondering what had happened now. But seeing what happened next made my jaw drop! Forth sat next to Ming and asked him what he wanted for breakfast. Ming gave him his order and he ruffled his hair fondly and off he went to buy. Park whispered to Wai something and Wai's face reddened. But he went off to get food for Wai too. Lam just sat there stonily, playing on his phone. I just looked at my 2 besotted friends and asked them what the heck was going on.

Ming just smiled dreamily and mentioned that he was Forth's boyfriend now. Wai just blushed and said he was with Park but were still figuring out what they were. But he was happy. Curiosity got the better of me and I asked Wai on what exactly did Park say to him that he blushed. To which Wai replied, "well he said if given a choice, I will be his breakfast and vice versa but since there was school, he said beef noodles will do for now."

My eyes opened wide and even I could feel a blush coming on hearing him! I sneaked a look at Lam who seem unruffled by the whole conversation, focused on his phone and I almost overlooked it but I noticed his ears which were tinged a tad red. So even Lam was capable of feeling shy. That made me smile and the thought of Lam being embarrassed made me smirk. I then realised I was giving way too much attention to how Lam felt and behaved and I shook my head.

Ming and Wai looked at me with a smirk whilst Lam looked at me curiously. I just sheepishly grinned and wanted to get up to get my food. Just then Lam stood up.
"I'm gonna get my breakfast. Let me get yours on the way. What do you want?"

"Uhhhh..." just then Ming kicked me under the table. I looked at him and then just looked at Lam. I smiled and said anything will do. Lam threw me a small smile before going off. I sat down, "What was that about!?!? I could get my own food."

"Dude, are you dumb or what? Lam never offers to buy for anyone. Usually even Park will buy for him. Have you ever seen Lam get up to buy his own food? Yet he is going and also for you. Mainly for you. Get a hint..." Wai uttered surreptitiously.

Ming shook his head at me knowingly. I frowned but all I said was, "I am not gay guys. You know that.. plus Lam is just being nice like how a senior is towards his junior. Don't read too much into it."

"Posh, do you really think Lam treats you like other juniors?"

"Yes I do. So let's just keep it that way. I believe in it. Plus anyways, I don like guys and I don like Lam that way. You all know that. I respect him as a senior, that's all. Please don't bring this up again. I am happy for you guys but I don't swing the same way." .

I lost my appetite, stood up and went off. I told them I see them in class and I went off. Though I said all of that, a slight bitter taste was in my mouth when I said I don't like Lam that way. It was just weird but I chose to ignore it like what all guys would do. As I was walking mid way, I realised that I had asked Lam to buy breakfast for me! Shit. I ran back, doubling my speed to make sure I came back before Lam did.

I reached my table again just as the seniors did. I was trying to catch my breath when Lam saw me. He asked if I was OK. I said all was good, had just gone to the toilet. He smiled and the trio busied themselves setting the food down. Meanwhile I looked at Wai and Ming who just started laughing! I nearly threw something at them but I wouldn't put it past Forth and Park not to kill me. So I held myself back and just glared at them.

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