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I called Lam to come pick up his friend who was behaving like an idiot outside the door. I waited near it to hear Lam dragging him away. But before he left, I heard him say, "I know I am wrong. But can't he at least hear me out?".

I knew I was probably pushing it but I couldn't be bothered. He deserved this and more. I went off to bed, swarmed with thoughts of Forth the whole night.

I woke up, the next morning, to a gloomy sky. It was raining cats and dogs. I looked at my clock. It was early but in this weather, it just meant I would be on time or late if I decided to chill anymore so off I went, getting ready for school. There was no Sotus for me today but I wanted to drop by to check in on Posh before class.
I pulled my parka over my head and walked quickly towards the Engineering auditorium. As I was walking, I heard a familiar bike sound. It was Forth's. I held back on the urge to look at him. I heard the bike slow down and I just continued walking. Just then I heard Lam call out to me. EH?!?!

I looked up and realised he was riding Forth's bike. How come?!?! I stopped and pulled my parka tighter. Lam stopped too and offered to give me a ride. I quickly hopped on and off we went. I figured I ask questions once we reached the building. Lam parked the bike carefully and we both walked to the auditorium together.

"How come you have his bike Lam? Where is he?"

"He's already at the auditorium. He's been there since 4am prepping for today. He asked me to bring his bike since he decided to just take a run instead earlier. Otherwise do you really think he is going to let me ride his bike?"

I chuckled when I heard that. Lam was indeed right. But since 4am? It was 9am now, which meant he has been at the auditorium for the last 5 hours. We both walked in, Lam went off to him whilst I went to see Posh but my eyes stayed on him. This time however, he wasn't looking at me. He kept his eyes firmly on Lam, talking away. I could see beads of perspiration encircling his arms and around his forehead. His white shirt just clung to his body like tape and he was just kicking it back in a pair of jeans and sneakers. I continued looking at him for a while more till he walked away and then I turned my attention to Posh.

I spent some time there till Sotus started then I left. I decided to take a leisurely breakfast. As I was almost done with breakfast, I saw the hazers walk in. They all got some breakfast except for Forth. He had his black coffee and just chatted. I am sure he hadn't had breakfast so I was wondering why he didn't want to eat.

But really, it was none of my business right? Forth was no one to me so I better keep my distance. However, my eyes kept going back to him who was just holding his cup of coffee. Once I was done, I decided to make my way to class. Passing their table, Max called out to me and invited me to their place for games that night. He knew I was an avid gamer and loved such things. I tried to decline claiming I had homework but Max's pleading won me over. Since it was almost the weekend, I agreed to go over. I offered to buy dinner for all and just told them to text me the dinner choices.

It was a long day and by the time I was done, it was 7pm. I looked at my phone and realized that Max had given me everyone's dinner choice except for Forth. I texted Max to check on that and he said Forth didn't want dinner. He wasn't going to join us. It wasn't something I liked hearing but I figured maybe it was for the better.

I had a good time gaming with the boys and around 3am, I finally left. Park was sending Lam home and staying over with him. I went out to the entrance about to call for a cab when a bike rode up. It was Forth. I was curious as to why he was here. Just then, Lam jogged over, "luckily you came on time. This fellow here almost took a cab. Didn't I text u like 30 mins ago?!" Forth apologised sheepishly and took an extra helmet from his bike. I looked at Lam quizzically who just glared at me and motioned me to go home with Forth. I was about to open my mouth to retort when Park came from the back and smacked me on my head.

What were these two idiots upto!?!? I couldn't even scold them that as they were also my seniors. I just cursed them silently in my heart, took the helmet from Forth and climbed on. It was a quiet and uneventful ride back. Forth didn't attempt to talk to me at all. We reached our dorm and I took off my helmet. I gave it to him thanking him for the ride. He just smiled, nodded his goodbye and was about to leave. I grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He didn't turn back but tried to just pry my hand away. I gripped it further and went forward to him and slipped my hand down, clasping his hand instead. He didn't look at me at all and I took the plunge looking at him. I realized his eyes were teary.

I was shocked and I let his hand go. He just closed his eyes for a few seconds and then he took off. I stood there dumbly watching him go. The dull ache in my heart was just spreading.

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