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I was smoking away at my balcony when I heard my door. I sighed thinking it must either be Lam or Yo who probably wants to rant about Fai again.

I sighed, went over to open the door and before it was fully open, I went "Don't come and disturb me. Go away Yo!"

But the person didn't move. I saw the shoes and my eyes widened. Fuck it was..I gulped, expecting to see a pair of angry eyes at me hearing Yo's name. But rather, it was the very pair of eyes but softer and holding a sandwich and iced americano in his hand. It was Ming.

I looked at him. He held out the food and drink to me. I took it and invited him in. It was the least I could do. I did expect him to say no but he came in. I was about to close the door when Yo came up.

I internally groaned. Why why why why!!! But just then I heard Ming invite him in too. I looked over at Ming who just smiled at me. Yo came in happily, pleased to have an audience to talk to about his problems. We spent the next hour listening to Yo rant. I sat there, eating the sandwich and just letting Yo's words wash over me whilst I watched Ming. He was into the story and pitching in with his replies when needed. Yo was happy and guess what, after ranting, Yo left. What the fuck?!

"Yes, all it takes is to listen to him. He just needs that listening ear. Something which I should have given you a long time ago. I am sorry, na Forth."

I whipped my head up and looked at Ming. I was stunned. Did I speak my thoughts out loud!?!? Ming's deep chuckled confirmed that. I looked at him and smiled. I went over, bent down in front of him.

"I am sorry Ming. I really shouldn't have done that. I didn't realise it hurt you so badly."
"It's ok Forth. I'm to blame too. Shouldn't have just avoided u like that. And look at where it landed us. A hungry man and an angry man."

I laughed at that and finished my food but my stomach still rumbled. Ming laughed and decided to bring me for breakfast round 2. We left and happily walked to the nearby porridge place. I looked over at Ming who was walking with his hands in his pockets and hair casually waving in the air. I rubbed the top of his head fondly and he smiled at me.
I was really glad we made amends. He was one of my favorite juniors and not having him talk to me was such misery.

Suddenly, the day seemed so much more brighter!

Truth Vs Lie (ForthMing) (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now