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Spending the term break with Lam was the best idea ever! His parents welcomed me warmly. We had so much of fun. I helped his parents out with their family restaurant and time passed by so well.

Over this term break, I also observed the different aspects of Lam's personality. He was an Ice Prince at school but nothing like that at home. He was gentle with his friends, cosy with the little kids next door and very much polite and respectful towards the elderly customers at the restaurant. The only time he maintained his cool icy image was in front of the dozens of female customers who thronged the place. They often came by looking for him. Despite being rejected so many times, they never lost hope and continued coming. I always chuckled seeing Lam fend them off.

I was busy smoking at the garden when a girl came up looking for Lam. I stood up, stubbing out my cigarette quickly. I waiied to her and mentioned that Lam was inside with his mom. I asked her if she needed me to call him and she said no and bounded into the house. I was shocked and ran after her.

I was about to call out to her to mention that she can't go running into people's houses when her mom came out and called out, "Ehhhhhh my dear Nin ah, you are here finally!! When will you ever going to come visit us????"

Nin waiied respectfully to his mother. I found out over introductions that she was Lam's cousin and a very close family friend. She was a year older and in another university. Then Lam came out and its the first time ever, I saw him break out into a smile upon seeing a girl. He went up to her and hugged her in joy. My eyes opened even bigger at this. But I didn't say anything. I was just stunned.
"Good looking pair right? I hope they will agree to get married one day." Lam's father said as he came and stood next to me. I smiled at him, those words really stabbing me a little. Would Lam get married to her? I know he liked guys but it didn't mean he didnt like girls. Maybe he would marry her?

Oddly, I thought I would be happier but I realized that piece of news didn't sit well with me. Plus seeing Lam actually respond so affectionately to a woman for the first time sparked some jealousy in me. I just looked at the whole sight quietly. Nin stayed for dinner and left around 10pm. Lam went off to send her off whilst I helped his mother.

"What do you think of Nin, Posh?
"She's really nice and pretty Mae.."
"Right? I want to ask Lam if he would pursue her or agree to be engaged to her."
"Engaged?!? Er he's only 19 Mae. Isn't that too early?"
"Engagement only. He can marry when he wants to. At least I don't have to worry about him right? I am getting older too."

I just looked at her. She wasn't wrong to think that way.
"How about asking Lam what he wants? Maybe he likes someone Mae?"
"Ah you are right. I should ask him. But if he has no one, I would ask him to consider Nin."

I smiled grimly at that thought, too consumed by the preceding thoughts to see Lam's parents throw a cheeky look towards each other.

(Lam's mum's POV: These two kids. They must think my husband and I are dumb. I know all of Lam's friends. He has hardly brought a new one to our home. He's the kind who will only bring his close friends or someone he loves to the house. I can tell Posh is special to him though he hasn't said anything, maybe out of respect for Posh who may not feel that way. But seeing how affected Posh is by Nin's arrival, maybe Lam thought wrong or hasn't noticed it yet. Boys. Quick to love but slow to catch on. Thankfully Nin and my husband agreed to my ploy. Now only to just push things and rock the boat a little)

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