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Term break was soon ending. We were only left with a week of it before we had to go back. I was sorely going to miss having Posh around me 24/7.

Having Nin with us in the last week has also been so fun! She really got me and we were often on the same wavelength. Only problem was Posh seemed a little uncomfortable around her. He was polite and all, but also kept a distance and I have seen him frown more in the last 3 days with her around then ever in the last 1.5 months.

We were all drinking after dinner. My parents were cool people. Dad drank with us whilst mum kept the snacks and drinks going. As we were all chatting animatedly, mum brought out the topic of Nin marrying me. I was stunned and just gaped at her in silence. The worst part, Nin was agreeing to her and even blushed. She fucking blushed. Was she capable of blushing?!???

I stared at my family who appeared to have temporary insanity. What was going on!?? Then I remembered Posh and swivelled to look at him. But he was very calm and just kept drinking. He didn't share any input and just kept smiling.

Just then my mum asked Posh, "Dear, what do you think of Lam marrying Nin? You are such a close friend. I am sure your opinion will count for alot."

My eyes opened big. What was my mom doing?!? Knowing Posh, he will jsut agree because he doesn't care and will think that marrying Nin will be good for me. He thinks it's the right thing to do. Oh Jesus. I was holding my breath and debating if I should get him out of the predicament when I heard him answer,

"Actually Mae, what counts is Lam's happiness. As long as he is happy, that's all that should matter. So ask him. If he is happy marrying Nin, we all should be happy for him. If he isn't, then let's not force him. I just want him to be happy. Excuse me please."

He uttered it and ran off. I was stunned. What just happened?! Why did he run off?! Just then I felt a bunch of nuts being thrown at me. I turned around angrily realising it was Nin. I glared at her and she laughed.

"Mum, what was that about!?!?! Why do you put Posh in such a situation!?!? And you know I see Nin as an elder sister. How could you even!!" I was so angry, words weren't coming out right.

"You are right. You see her as a sister.  And I recall you telling Posh this too. So how come this sensible friend of yours didn't think about that and let his heart rule his action instead? He truly cares about you, your happiness counts for so much for him. And I know that his happiness counts alot for you too. I have seen how the two of you are. Don tell me you are just friends. Maybe you are but you two clearly fell in love over time. Now what, you gonna sit on it forever or let another girl drive you apart? This is orchestrated on our part, I agree but it's the only way to make you and him realise your feelings for one another. Now please go comfort my son in law and bring him back. Either later or tomorrow morning." My mother chuckled deeply at the end of her monologue.

I was stunned by my mother's deviousness. How was she even capable of such things!?!? I felt nuts being thrown at me again and this time I realized it was Nin and my dad! I rolled my eyes at them and took off. I know Posh must have gone back to his room. It's about time we had a talk.

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