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Sotus was officially ending. The 6 months of rigorous torture was coming to an end. It also meant the juniors will be getting their own gear bracelets.

It was such a wonderful night and though I barely expressed it, I was truly happy to have seen these guys grow up. And these last 6-8 months had also brought alot of changes, Forth and Park were happily dating Ming and Wai respectively.

It was a good period but with Sotus ending, it meant I may not see Posh as often as I would like to. Though the boys hung out regularly, they also spent an obscene amount of time with their own boyfriends which meant chances of seeing them in a group setting was lesser and I would never have the courage to ask Posh out alone. I knew he didn't swing this way and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

I was just sitting by the beach, reflecting on all of these when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked and saw Posh next to me. I just threw him a small smile.

"It has passed by quickly, hasn't it P? Soon we will be just doing our own things..."  Posh uttered softly. I hmmed softly at this.

"Keep in touch ok P? I mean Ming and Wai will be spending an awful lot of time with their boyfriends. We both know how besotted those two are. Hahahaah. Maybe we can hang out more? If its ok?"

I looked at Posh. I wasn't sure if that was good for my heart but maybe it's for the better. I nodded my head, happy to get anything that came my way.

(The first year ended successfully. Soon, it was time for the term break)

"So, what's the plan???" Wai asked enthusiastically. Ming mentioned that he was going back to his home for a bit before going to Forth's for the break. Wai and Park were going to spend theirs in Park's family farm and home. I looked at Posh who just smiled and said he was staying back in the dorms. His family was travelling so he decided to stay behind. I nodded my head just listening to the plans and mentioned that I would be going back home for a bit too.

We all had dinner together and then broke up for the night. I offered to send Posh home. As we were walking back, I looked over at Posh.

"Would you like to come to my house for the break? It be nice plus I have company too. My mom would be happy to see that I made other friends too." I uttered hesitantly, unsure if he would agree.

Posh looked at me and broke out into a smile. "I would love that P..."

I smiled back at him, thrilled to have him joining me for a 2 month break! Maybe holidays aint so bad after all.

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