Chapter 1

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The living and breathing city of Los Angeles sits upon its land, silence and calming breeze exists through the city. With the full moon above the city, it shines brightly down onto a bank. The most popular bank known in California. The peace and quiet doesn't last for long, when the bank's front door bursts open. Inside the bank, a ringing of an alarm is heard. While two distinct figures leave the entrance with loaded weapons.

The two men carry shotguns, wearing a ski-mask over their face, with gloves and fully covering black clothing. One of the men, being the brother of the one next to him. Rushes toward a vehicle parked beside the sidewalk. His brother behind him continued aiming his shotgun at the hostages inside before turning to face the car and getting into the passenger seat. Darold, the one sitting in the passenger seat with the cash. Throws the cash into the back seat.

His brother Ray, rushes over to the driver side and gets in. By the time he sat down, he noticed a fleet of police appeared behind them. Ray instantly begins the engine from the sighting and pushes down onto the peddle. The car pushes forward, and begins driving from the scene. The police follow from behind, sirens echoing and lights flashing through the city around them.

While the two brothers drove off with the police, Darold looked over to the back window. Watching as the police continue to follow them. Darold reaches to the bad seat, reaching out toward his briefcase filled with weapons. Upon opening the briefcase, an assault rifle is lying inside. Darold grabs the assault rifle, and lowers the window beside him. Afterwards, he leans out of the window with his body and faces toward the police behind him.

Upon aiming the rifle toward the police cars, he fires at them. The police in the passenger seat of two of the cruisers repeat what Darold is doing and fire back at him. As Ray drives the car, he notices ahead of him a police roadblock. However, to his right he notices a small alleyway. Ray yells over to his brother, "Sit back down Darold and strap yourself in!" Darold turns his head to notice the alleyway, making him quickly sit back inside, still holding the rifle.

Darold stomps his feet and turns the steering wheel once he is close enough. Causing the vehicle to turn at a right angle, before fully facing the alleyway. The police cruisers follow closely behind, but Ray pulls out a brick from underneath his seat. Looking over to Ray and nodding toward him. Darold responds with a nod, before Ray places the brick onto the gas pedal. They both bail from the car as soon as it crosses onto the next street, making them both land onto either side of the sidewalk.

Ray quickly stands up to his feet, watching as the vehicle gets smashed by an oncoming truck. Police cruisers forcefully come to a stop by the sighting, parking in front of the place where the car was smashed. Ray and Darold were already gone from the scene by the time the police began searching the area. After some time, Darold and Ray meet back together a mile away from the cop scene in different uniforms. Darold was holding the bags of money either side of him, walking up to Ray and celebrating with him with a clap of success.

"I think we lost them..." Darold says, placing the bags of money down and crouches down beside them. He reaches his arm out toward the zipper, opening it up to reveal the large stacks of cash inside. Before he could take any out, a flash of movement rushes past and makes the bag disappear. Darold and Ray, shocked by the sighting, slowly turn around to notice three younger teenagers with masks and normal teenager clothing. One of them seems to be the youngest.

Was a young boy, zipping the bags back closed and turning to face the brothers. "You know... You really shouldn't steal hard earned money..." The younger child says.

"Especially when that money is owned by American's." Another teenager speaks, wearing a white jacket and pants.

The last teenager, wearing a t-shirt and jeans steps forward. "Besides, you might've lost the police. But we haven't lost track of you."

The brother, Ray, pulls out a pistol from his pocket and aims it toward the three of them. "Don't you dare think of moving. Give us back our money." The third teenager wearing the t-shirt and jeans, reaches his arms up in the air.

"Whoa, there buddy. We just want to do this peacefully without anyone getting hurt." Ray slightly chuckles from the statement.

"Well, you will get hurt if you don't give us the damn money back!" Ray is starting to feel impatient and annoyed, starting to demand them to give back the money. However, neither of the three listen.

The one in the white jacket yells out after taking a deep breath. "Triplet Teens Go!" The teenager in the white jacket reaches out toward the one in jeans, and pulls him behind him. However, his skin changes to a hard form of metal. This makes Ray begin firing at him from the sudden movement. The younger teenager vanishes with quick speed toward Darold, placing a handcuff over both of his wrists against a pipe. Ray, shocked by the metal transformation, looks over toward the younger teenager.

Aiming his pistol toward the younger teen, he begins to feel a sudden convincing in his head. The teenager in jeans and a t-shirt, still hiding behind the metal transformed teen. Had his eyes closed, his fingers pressed against his forehead as he concentrated. Not long, until Ray watched himself throw the gun away from himself. Throwing it over behind the metal teenager and beside the other teen. Ray is left confused and shocked by whatever just happened, still attempting to puzzle the situation together.

However, before he knew it. He had handcuffs strapped around his wrist and a pipe beside his brother. The three teenagers called the police, and the brothers were sent to jail. One of the police officers, being the sheriff, walked up to the three teens. "I'm so proud you guys are here. You make sure to not get them, or anyone else hurt while also serving justice. Thank you." The officer showed a large smile on his face, patting his hand behind the teen with white clothing before heading back to his cruiser.

The three teenagers standing in the same spot, begin to look at each other. "So, Josh. How about some of those smoothies?" The teen in the white jacket and pants says to the one in jeans and a t-shirt.

The one with a t-shirt and jeans named Josh, looks over to the one asking the question. "Creg, we got a job to do. We can't fool around." The one in the white jacket and jeans, named Creg. Chuckles to himself by the response, looking over to the younger teen.

"I need a break, so how about you Nick? Want to go grab some smoothies?" Creg asks the one who is shorter than Josh and Creg, who was named Nick. He grinned by the question, looking over to Creg.

Before Nick could speak, Josh responded. "You two just had breakfast like two hours ago, you don't need more food."

Nick ignores Josh, and nods to Creg's question. "Smoothies sound great."

Josh rolls his eyes, starting to walk away from them. Creg and Nick look over to Josh, watching as he dismisses himself. Beginning to head back to his house, hearing Creg yell at him as he leaves. "Josh! Where are you going?" Josh ignores them, continuing his way back home.

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