Chapter 17

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The ten teenagers all stood within the living room, giving each other glances. Josh, Creg, Drake and Christina were in Josh's office. Josh showed Drake and Christina the room and their planning set up. Though, the conversation drifted away when Drake spoke up. "This is a cool set up and all, but what are we going to do about Forgener?"

This made Josh's expression change to a serious look as he looks back over to his computer. He types a few keys on the computer to bring up the screen for others to view. Josh turns around and looks back to Creg and Drake. "Alright, you guys suggested using teleportation to instantly bring him to the cell, right?" Josh asked the group.

Drake nodded in response, although Josh was in disagreement. "I think what we should keep in mind is his power to vanish instantly. We saw that happen not long ago." Josh continued, "In order for us to properly take him out. I believe the best option is knocking him out. Though, you believe in Drake?"

Drake nodded, "Stephen and Steve will be the ones taking care of him. I believe they can properly jail him without any repercussions." Josh nodded, before looking over to Creg beside Drake.

"How about this then, if you believe Steve and Stephen can take him in without any issues. If something goes wrong, we remain on the sidelines ready." Drake nodded in response, but he mumbled something under his breath that was inaudible for either of them to hear.

Josh watched as Drake looked over to Christina, before dismissing themselves from the room. Josh looked over to Creg again, slightly concerned from the plan. When Drake and Christina left the room, Creg shared the same expression with Josh. It's not that Josh didn't believe it would work out. It's the fact that Forgener has only gotten more difficult for the five of them. Forgener has shown to be able to mysteriously disappear. That concern made Josh feel worried for both Steve and Stephen's safety. Possibly using that to his advantage to hurt either of them.

Drake announced in the other room to the others about the plan. Josh and Drake joined the living room shortly afterwards. When they finish announcing the plan to the other teammates, Josh and Drake look each other in the eyes. They nod toward each other in agreement about the plan. "You ready Josh? It's going to get ugly, real quickly." Drake asked, which Josh nodded in agreement.

That's when Nick raised his hand, interrupting everyone's attention from each other. Josh and Drake glanced at each other for a minute before looking at Nick. Josh called his name in confusion, "What's up Nick?"

Nick cleared his throat before speaking, "Before we do this plan, can I eat a snack?"

Drake shook his head, "We don't have time for that." Drake took Steve and Stephen out the front door and into the front lawn. Nick grunted in response with annoyance. Josh looked at everyone else in the living room, realizing that Christina and Nick were feeling uncomfortable. It was as though they didn't feel prepared enough to fight Forgener again in a short time period. Josh sighed and stood in front of the room, clearing his throat.

Right as Josh was about to speak, Nick vanished and reappeared in a blink of a eye. Appearing in the kitchen and grabbing something from the fridge, placing it into the microwave to heat it up. Josh sighs, "Nick, what are you doing? We don't even know if this is going to work."

Nick looks back toward the living room and Josh, "I know! But I'm starving." Josh decides to ignore Nick at this point, looking over to Christina. She sat on the couch with her arms crossed across her chest. Josh walks over to the couch and sits beside her.

"So, can I ask something about Drake?" Christina's attention turned to Josh.


"He's the leader of your guy's group, correct?" Christina nods. "He seems to only focus on the power sets themselves."

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